Mastering Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP): Essential Strategies for Professional Services

Lucija Bakić

November 12, 2023

In the highly competitive landscape of professional services, effective capacity requirement planning (CRP) is crucial.

Capacity requirement planning (CRP) helps your agency get full control over its resources, supporting efficiency, profitability, and market share gains. This article will help you master CRP by exploring its importance and differences from production planning. Our comprehensive capacity planning guide can help you align your CRP with business goals.

We’ll also provide tips and strategies for creating and implementing a capacity plan.

Key Takeaways

  • Capacity requirement planning (CRP) aligns resources with customer needs.
  • Developing an effective capacity plan involves understanding your agency’s current capacity and future demand. This is achieved by tracking key agency analytics, understanding your strategic goals, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your capacity plan.
  • Different types of capacity in professional services include material, human, and financial capacity — the best way to measure your human resources planning is the agency utilization rate.
  • For successful CRP implementation, a detailed resource plan, dedicated teams to oversee progress, and effective change management are crucial. Approach this process with an agile and flexible mindset, so that you’re able to respond to changing needs and remain aligned with strategic objectives.

Why Is Capacity Requirement Planning Critical for Service-Oriented Business Success?

In volatile time periods where unpredictable external factors can cause significant operational challenges, devising a resource capacity strategy that ensures stable service levels is crucial.

In fact, according to a recent report by McKinsey & Company, resilient companies can generate as much as 50% higher total shareholder revenue (TSR) than their less resilient peers. Despite this, a majority of surveyed agencies (35%) reported that they can react to disruptions “to some extent” only. When it comes to the major challenges preventing resilience, agencies reported limited funds, unclear priorities, and isolated initiatives.

The benefit of capacity planning lies in its ability to accurately predict future customer demand, enabling businesses to allocate resources and prevent over or under-utilization. Efficient capacity planning can marry your strategic initiatives with day-to-day planning, bringing benefits to all levels of your agency project management.

A proactive approach to your resource planning and management results in enhanced service delivery and customer satisfaction, which is reflected in agency-wide reduced costs and increased profit margins.

How Does CRP Differ from Production Planning in Service Industries?

Compared to production planning in a manufacturing setting, capacity requirements planning for professional service industries comes with particular capacity issues.

In production planning, companies are concerned with coordinating and controlling the process of producing goods, focusing on issues like inventory, manufacturing processes, production schedules, and raw materials.

Compared to this, some distinctive characteristics of professional services capacity requirement planning are:

  • The client or the consumer is a key participant in the service process
  • The “production” and “consumption” of services happen simultaneously
  • A service is a commodity that cannot be stockpiled — it is “perishable”
  • Services are intangible, which directly relates to difficulties in measuring output

Source: Capacity planning in the service industry

CRP in service industries is concerned with managing resources, such as time and personnel, to match the actual demand with available services. It involves forecasting, scheduling, and monitoring to ensure enough capacity to maintain satisfactory service, at the right time.

To summarize, while both aim to optimize operations, the strategies and tools utilized differ significantly.

Developing a CRP Strategy: How Can Agencies Create an Effective Capacity Plan?

Formulating an effective capacity plan requires service firms to methodically analyze their resource capabilities and demand forecasts, building on historical agency data and information on current market trends.


To create an effective plan, consider the following steps:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of current capacity and future demand.
  • Utilize predictive analytics to forecast future capacity needs.
  • Align resource planning with strategic goals.
  • Regularly review and adjust the plan as needed, considering changes in demand and capacity.

Additionally, consider your overall capacity planning process. Are you making the most out of currently available technology, or are you still relying on manual workflows? Investing in capacity planning software can help you streamline all of these steps considerably while ensuring a more accurate, error-free process.

How Does Capacity Requirements Planning Impact Professional Services Industries?

One of the biggest challenges for professional service agencies is managing resource planning for multiple projects. In fact, agencies report that successful project delivery is often obstructed by attempting to run too many projects at the same time, combined with frequent changes to scope (Wellingtone).


Effective capacity requirement planning can help you address these challenges, and drive improvements on both a project and agency level. Ultimately, the right capacity requirement strategy ensures that resources aren’t being wasted or overutilized, enabling agency growth.

You can achieve this by:

  • Forecasting your resource availability: CRP can help you decide whether you have enough skilled employees to take on certain projects. This can help inform your hiring strategy, as well as client prospecting — for example, you might want to focus on trying to sell underutilized services.
  • Generating insights into key metrics: Certain CRP tools can help you compare your profitability across projects — this helps project managers prioritize their most valuable clients, or even drop engagements that are causing a drain on their resources. Evaluate these capacity planning metrics to ensure your planning aligns with actual output.
  • Providing reactive, real-time data: A good example of this is the all-in-one agency management tool, Productive. This software allows for changes in scope to be scheduled in your plan, and then viewed across your forecasted budget burn and profitability. This helps you decide whether certain changes are viable, so you can communicate this transparently to the client.

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What are the Different Types of Capacity in Professional Services?

In a professional service context, capacity is usually separated into three main categories: material resources, human resources (learn more about what is workforce planning), and financial resources.

  • Material capacity refers to tangible resources such as office space, equipment, and technology.
  • Human capacity involves the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of the workforce.
  • Financial capacity includes the financial resources available to sustain and grow operations.

Managing your human capacity includes addressing questions such as: Are my resources being overworked? Is there a healthy balance between billable and non-billable work? Are my employees able to grow their skill sets?

When combined with financial considerations, the following questions arise: Am I setting the right cost rates? How should I distribute my resources across projects depending on their value?

By understanding the nuances of each resource category and how they interact with each other, professional services can better align their CRP with their business goals. Ultimately, this results in improved service delivery and agency performance.

How is Capacity Measured in the Service Sector?

One of the key agency metrics to view the results of your capacity planning strategy is the utilization rate. It’s the metric that shows the amount of time spent working on client-facing tasks vs its maximum capacity. Time tracking software for professional services can help with that.


This metric can vary from industry to industry and even agency to agency. For example, law firms have more strict billable hours targets, which may amount to as much as 100% weekly utilization. For digital agencies, the recommended industry rate rate is somewhere between 70% to 90%. In general, both being significantly over or under this standard signifies a need for improvements in your resource planning process.

High utilization signifies that your teams may be overworked, or that you’re not spending enough time on essential, non-billable agency work. On the other hand, very low utilization might mean that your processes are outdated or inefficient, preventing employees from dedicating themselves to key tasks.

Learn more about the agency utilization rate:

Identifying and Acting on Capacity Gaps

One of the main challenges of developing and implementing a capacity plan is managing resource gaps. We can see this as a three-step process, including identification, detailed analysis, and finishing with effective action.

In the identification step, it’s necessary to conduct an analysis of current availability, workflows, and potential bottlenecks. This includes understanding not only quantity but also quality. For example, consider your available skillsets: do you need a senior employee, or can a junior or mid do the job just as well?

Once you’ve identified where your resource gaps lie, they should be addressed as quickly as possible to prevent negative impacts on your project delivery. Here’s an example of how resource gaps might be filled in a consulting agency:

The first option is to use the bench, or the set of workers who are unassigned to projects; the second option is to hire contractors; and the third option is to make new hires.

Ideally, an employee on the bench would meet the appropriate skill and location requirements for the project, but, if that is not possible, the human resource planner must choose between hiring into the position or finding a contractor.

Finding a contractor is the more flexible and less risky option, as contractors can be found quickly and then released after project completion. However, this flexibility comes with higher labor costs.

Source: Prescriptive analytics for human resource planning in the professional services industry

Different capacity planning strategies come with their own sets of benefits and downsides. This is why it’s so it’s necessary to approach this final step with the same strategic mindset as the resource identification stage.

How Do You Develop a Capacity Strategy for Sustainable Growth?

There are different examples of capacity planning strategies. The three main types include:

  • Lead strategy: a proactive, aggressive approach that includes creating excess capacity before actual demand is present, in anticipation of periods of higher demand for products or services.
  • Lag strategy: a reactive strategy that involves satisfying demand at the moment when it exceeds capacity, which includes less risk for overprovisioning, but more chance of client churn.
  • Match strategy: a balanced approach that aims to keep levels of capacity balanced with market demand at all times. This is the most difficult to achieve, as it requires high agility and flexibility, as well as extensive research.

Making the right decision on which type of approach is best applied to your agency relies on having deep insights into your data and operations. It also requires an understanding of your industry, your current and potential clients, and how these factors impact your agency.

From Planning to Practice: How Should a Capacity Plan be Implemented?

After developing a capacity strategy, the next critical step involves the practical implementation of the plan. This includes:

  • Referencing the resource management template, which includes resources required and timelines for achieving objectives.
  • Assigning a dedicated team to oversee the process, make necessary adjustments, and ensure that the plan aligns with the company’s strategic objectives.
  • Implementing strategies for change management to enable a smooth transition from planning to practice, minimize resistance, and foster stakeholder buy-in.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that both short and long-term capacity planning requires a particular mindset. This means that project and resource managers should foster strategic thinking, but make sure to balance it with creativity and innovation. Even the best capacity plan can have its faults — staying open to amending your strategies is the best way to ensure CRP success.

In the end, a professional service agency has one main goal: making sure that the client is satisfied. If you lose sight of this and get bogged down in numbers and details, it’ll be difficult to achieve long-term benefits. The best PSA software can help agencies manage their capacity and broader agency management more efficiently.

Takeaway: How to Master Capacity Resource Planning

Efficient capacity requirements planning is essential for any service-oriented business. It facilitates an understanding of capacity gaps and enables sustainable growth via strategic planning.

The implementation, monitoring, and adjustment of a capacity plan can significantly enhance operating efficiency. In the context of today’s competitive business landscape, the importance of a robust CRP strategy is more apparent than ever. Incorporate finite capacity planning techniques into your capacity requirement planning for more precise control.

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Lucija Bakić

Content Specialist

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