Our Road to Success Is Your Road to Success
We ship over 300 updates and improvements yearly, and we don’t plan on stopping. Check out what’s coming up next.
In progress
Productive AI
Find your data faster than before using the power of AI.
Files custom fields
Add files to the different objects, i.e. add contract file to your employee profile.
Scenario builder
Create scenarios for deals and budgets to forecast costs and calculate profitability.
Workload view
A new view for tasks that visualises the amount of work each team member is assigned during the selected time period.
Automatically move dependent tasks
Automatically update the date ranges of the subsequent dependent tasks.
Projects sharing
Share a project with a person, a team or all the employees in your company. Assign them as collaborators or viewers.
Automations relative fields
Use relative assignee or relative date in automations conditions and actions.
Custom permissions improvements
Impersonate a permission set, set “Client” as a base permission set, additional permissions and more.
Tax codebook
Save tax rates and assign them easily on invoices.
Custom Document Styler
Apply different styles on existing document templates (custom fonts, colours and other properties).
Employees view
View and manage all employees in one place, separate from the contacts.
OR filtering
Option to use OR operators while filtering objects.
Sales deals improvements
Enjoy redesigned sales deals
Recurring expenses
Create recurring expenses that will be automatically created in the future.
Retainer rollover hours
Transfer unspent hours from the previous month to the next month’s budget in recurring instances.
Overhead per subsidiary
Calculate overhead for each subsidiary separately.
Desktop timer widget revamp
We’re revamping the Timer widget in the Desktop app.
Time entries history
Time entry activity is a place where you can find the history of changes made to the specific time entry.
Boards sharing
Share a board in a project with a person or a team. Decide on the visibility of tasks in a project on a board level.
Custom permissions improvements
Impersonate permission set, Client as a base permission set, additional permissions and more.
Multiple custom domains
Have a different custom domain per each subsidiary if you choose so.
Share a Doc with a public link
Option to create a public link that will enable anyone with the link to access the Doc (without logging in to Productive).
Submit and manage work requests. Map form fields to task fields, use descriptions and mandatory fields.
Xero expenses push
Push expenses from Productive to Xero.
Invoice bulk export to accounting tools
Export invoices to accounting tools for each organization in bulk.
Organization champions
Define key people in your Productive organisation. (e.g. invoicing champion).
Automated invoicing
Invoice retainer budgets automatically.
Table of contents in a page in Docs
A block that creates table of contents from the headings available on the page.
Sharing on Reports
Share reports with people outside your organisation.
Docs templates
Expand current sharing options on reports with possibility to share reports with specific users
Money custom field
Option to use money custom field type.
Sensitive custom fields
Define which custom fields are sensitive and which users should be able to see them. Ensure that sensitive custom fields data is visible only to specific users.
Automations relative fields
Use relative assignee or relative date in automations conditions and actions.
Metadata in export
Show additional data in exported file (i.e. company logo, filters applied …)
Time custom field
Option to use time custom field type.
Translate Productive interface to other languages.
Views sharing in Resourcing
Share your views in Resourcing screen with other people or groups.
Time off approval policies
Set up time off approval policies that can be easily assigned to multiple people and managed from one place.
Advanced task comment editor
Moving task comments to new editor, backlinks support, emoji support and more.
Proposal builder
Build high-quality quotes/proposals directly from Productive, embed pricing tables and autogenerate PDFs.
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