Every Week We Deliver New Features, Updates and Bug Fixes

Check our release notes log sorted by date.

19 Jun 2024

New Features

  • Show only filtered bookings toggle on Resourcing filters is now stored so there is no need to toggle it on every time


  • Implemented new conditionable and mentionable attribute on automations with invoice trigger: “Projects”
  • From now on, users will be able to distinct between notifications triggered by other users from the ones triggered by an automation
  • You will be notified when your current pricing plan does not include Recurring Budgets feature
  • Attachments column are now merged with note column in table on Book time off screen
  • Custom fields on invoice details screen are no longer in the “puzzle” rather visible as part of the invoice info section.
  • Added tooltips to buttons on Person profile

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed popover positioning on screen resize
  • Disable editing custom fields on archived projects
  • Fixed an issue where board view on deals screen would sometimes show archived stages
  • Fixed an issue when closing a budget without an unrelated permission
  • Fix time entry duration hint in time entry list
  • Fixed and issue with displaying labels for status groups on deals board viewFix filters not applying on initial Scheduling People load
  • Added flashy new filter/view save modal for deals and budgets screen
  • Fixed issue on company projects screen with archived projects.
  • Added the detailed information popover for some cells in tables that have a percentage value
  • Forcing pipeline selection on deals screen when in kanban view, grouped by stage
  • Pipeline picker max width is now increased by 30%
  • Fix sorting by people custom fields on C&A report
  • Pipeline filter will be disabled now when in specific pipeline
  • Fixed a bug where an error occurs when deleting expenses

5 Jun 2024

New Features

  • Save invoice creation settings
  • Filter on invoicing report for invoicing method


  • Percentage formatting on charts inside Reports is now improved
  • Inside automations with trigger set to “BUDGET”, users will be able to use new conditionable and mentionable attributes: “Status” and “Recurring”
  • Implemented new conditionable + mentionable attribute on automations: “Task hierarchy”
  • When inside automations builder, users can now click on “Show runs” inside popup which can be opened on the right upper side of the screen
  • Percentage formatting on charts inside Reports is now improved

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where mention suggestions popover was opening above newly written text
  • Fixed multiple clicking on task Start timer button
  • This fixes the way reimbursement group is displayed on expense reports
  • Fixed an issue where projects form other companies were shown on Company projects page
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent Quickbooks integration settings form submission
  • Fixed the label for “Filter by” popover when hovering over a budget/deal
  • Inline stage editing on deals screen will use organised picker now
  • Tasks with dependencies can no longer be made private
  • Redirect on the previous invoice while on the desktop app for invoice wizard’s last step
  • Fix for invoice wizard hazard when Invoice: Tax rates is disabled

15 May 2024

New Features

  • Dependency & description updates for budget (job) bookings permissions
  • Inside automations, relative people labels should be a bit easier to understand now
  • Users can now use Invoice attributes inside automations conditions
  • Added Section group to nested service picker
  • You can now choose to copy expenses on recurring budgets
  • Graph on C&A report is now visible without need for grouping


  • Added attachments button to Time off approvals screen
  • Added attachments in Edit booking form on Book time off screen
  • Displayed duration for tasks with initial estimate that fall on non-working days in workload layout
  • Implemented recaptcha on registration route
  • When inviting new people to organization, users will no longer have to enter their cost rate

Bugs Fixed

  • Default deal status for win or lose button will come from the same pipeline if exists
  • Deal won and lost dates will now show correctly when deals are closed
  • Fixed a bug on Simple editor which caused resulting tracking restriction changes to not be applied on the budget
  • Fixed a bug on budget creation when Simple mode is enabled in settings, but currently unavailable
  • The board picker will scroll accordingly when items are being dragged
  • Fixed a bug where users couldn’t add attachments to expenses, bills and document templates
  • While deleting released flag if block was deleted for persisted bookings.
  • Fixed a bug when adding a new booking on a service on a projectless deal or budget.
  • Lock icon in company time header aligned to the other elements
  • Added feature status check for adding new pipelines
  • Added probability per stage feature info
  • Reverted crossed services for persons
  • Added missing data when winning a deal and creating a budget from it
  • Added warning for approved time entry delete action in Budget Time view
  • Fixed Jira worklog timestamp on time entry save
  • Adding missing cost rate button now opens cost rate form
  • Fixed issue with query includes for custom & formula fields.

8 May 2024

New Features

  • You can now get a notification when a deal or budget is shared with you. This can be toggled in Notification settings.
  • Added new time entry report fields – last activity and last actor
  • Added reminder option for task start date in notification settings


  • When creating an automation, users can now select new trigger type – Invoice and mention its attributes. Invoice conditions are WIP.
  • Users can now see trigger and project labels on automation cell
  • The linked status of an app in the marketplace is now communicated with a label in the upper right corner.
  • Closed tasks in gantt will appear as crossed
  • Inside automations, users can now mention 5 more invoice attributes: Aging, State, Copied to accounting, Payment status, Sent status
  • Weekends will be skipped when moving tasks in Gantt by extending task to first working day

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with background color inside text attachment preview on dark mode
  • Fixed an issue where editing fields in Resourcing and saving them into a view would not have any effect
  • Added filter for fetching current user’s and watched user’s service cross section
  •  Prevented active timers from other users in organization to be visible in header
  • Fixed position of docs toolbar on mobile devices
  • Fixed missing table headers in Resourcing
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the page to become unresponsive when interacting with the timeline view
  • Double clicking on the connect calendar integration button will no longer create an extra “Unknown account” integration
  • Fixed an issue on line/area charts where tooltips were not displaying when hovering over data point which lies on vertical axis
  • Fixed a bug where error on booking form would move Date range field
  • Updated copy on Approvals notifications section in Settings
  • Allowed inline editing the “Delivered date” field in budgets table only when the budget is delivered/closed
  • Fixed replacing uploaded attachment with generated attachment
  • Made the “Rate” field mandatory when creating a new rate in a rate card
  • Fixed loading subpages if page is duplicated
  • Update the person’s company or deal’s company/deal status and disable external sync
  • Fixed moving behaviour on dependent tasks in gantt if parent task is resized

13 Mar 2024

New Features

  • Updated the button labels in the confirmation modal from generic ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ to more descriptive ‘Discard changes’ and ‘Continue editing’.
  • Added the “Average cost rate” field to the Capacity & Availability report
  • Formula field form now has a description and help link, explaining value calculations in cents and minutes.
  • When creating an automation, users can now select new action type: “Send email”
  • We’ve added tax rates section to the invoicing settings screen.
  • People can now be filtered by nickname in assignee and subscriber fields on tasks


  • “Needs invoicing/delivering” warnings are removed from project table and header
  • Added Holiday Calendar field and filter to Cost Report.
  • You can now import time entries on a budget or deal with no project assigned. The optional client field is also available

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect currencies for the ECB Provider
  • Edit password without getting an error
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the budget wizard to fail saving when assigning a new company
  • Fixed redirection to parent page when page with no title and content is deleted
  • Show error message when inviting a user into Productive with email already taken by a deactivated person
  • In some rare cases, navigating back to the launchpad would throw an error
  • Fixed an issue where services from the same budget could not be selected on already created bookings in Resourcing
  • Display template name in invoice email form
  • While in jump search (CMD+k), searching for “/ Template” action will now redirect users to “Templates center” instead of “Document templates” in settings

28 Feb 2024

New Features

  • Restyled date navigation
  • Users can now duplicate their automations by opening automation popover inside automations list and clicking on “Duplicate” button


  • Improved tasks patch request in mirage on order to see moved task with associated subtask in tagret project
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on “Define cost rate” when adding a time entry would not do anything

Bugs Fixed

  • Set document type and subsidiary from last active invoice but as a fallback use document type and subsidiary from the last created invoice and restyled nested service picker
  • If View projects where the user is a member permission is not on, Resourcing projects layout will be hidden
  • Changed name for budget bookings permissions
  • Fixed missing Restore action for archived contacts
  • Fixed an issue where library categories would not display their correct name and reintroduced the search in widget library
  • Fixed missing company avatar in Resourcing booking form when person is not assigned to the project
  • Fixed an issue where filters with long labels which are not in popovers would cause overflow and make “Export” button unavailable on some tables
  • Bulk selection of a non-editable booking is no longer possible
  • We’ve fixed an unexpected line items tax calculation on invoice details screen when tax codebook is available.
  • Mentioning people in the task description should now add them as subscribers
  • Fixed an error where approved time entries were delectable
  • Disabled tentative bookings fields in Capacity & availability report for plans not supporting the feature
  • Other peoples comments on a task will show up in realtime again
  • Removing assignee from dependency on task should now work.

21 Feb 2024

New Features

  • Restructured and restyled nested service picker


  • From now on, all organizations above 1 seat will have an option to book a demo on registration form.
  • Editing company code on internal companies is now allowed
  • Company-wide notifications section is visible under Notifications card
  • Allow to delete bookings on archived time off categories
  • Add booking type filter on resourcing and booking reports
  • When creating a budget, subsidiary and document template will now be preselected in the form
  • Rectified dependencies for Add, Edit and Delete Contacts Permission

Bugs Fixed

  • Added end date validation for new budgets created via the wizard
  • Fixed an issue which would cause the minimized tasks tray to cover up expense form buttons
  • Fixed an issue where an error would show when trying to sort by “Jira issue url” field
  • Deleting service type is now properly disabled if form is not valid
  • My company navigation item is now hidden from Clients & Contractors
  • Fixed wrong route transition if the user does not have permissions to see person’s projects
  • Fixed a bug when pasting attachments in docs
  • Updated empty state activity icon for dark mode
  • Resolved an issue of formulas not being saved correctly in the Budgets/Time Report fields.
  • Fixed minor issue with date picker styling in reports filter
  • Fixed default dashboard disappearing by itself
  • Fixed an issue where updating the formatting settings on “Available” field in “Forecasted billable utilization by month” report would not do anythingReports are visible on mobile navigation
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to reassign an existing booking to a different Project or DealFixed an issue where resizing a booking would occasionally move it to another person or a projectUI improvements on view-as-client banner
  • Open previous invoice in new tab

24 Jan 2024

New Features

  • Added stage status field to financial items view setup
  • Added a budget navigation for time manager role
  • Dependent tasks in gantt can now be moved as a group by enabling ‘Move as group’ option
  • Added Work cost, Expense cost and Cost columns to the deal report
  • Added the sales status column to the service report (and time entry report)


  • A file picker opens automatically when adding an attachment from the editor command list within docs
  • Update HR integrations list on billing tooltip
  • Update availability status now added to mobile menu
  • Update Left To Schedule field description on Services report Integrated memberships for leaving and joining project in project sidebar and projects lists
  • Decreased row height to fit more items in gantt layout
  • Prevented adding note for deactivated user in company time report
  • Error handling for 404 on SSO login form

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where adding a service (with markup) to a budget from a rate card would have the wrong price after saving
  • Removed Deal and Confirmed badges from time off bookings in Resourcing
  • Fixed an issue where it seemed as if users can bulk edit billable time on time entries related to non billable services
  • Video dialog will be rendered automatically, without rendering placeholder
  • Fixed a bug where filtering by stage type on Resourcing would filter each booking
  • The final step in the project creation wizard will now show a more descriptive confirmation action text
  • Set booking on report as optional property in order to prevent errors
  • Handle errors caused by Intercom script
  • Fixed issue when task route resolves task model without project relation
  • Deal header supports permissions now
  • Fixed two bugs that appeared when the user would visit Person -> Cost rates or try to create a new invoice and then went back immediately
  • Fixed in issue where link was not appearing after clicking on ‘Get iCal link’ button
  • Fixed a bug where the estimated time would not update when changing the Unit in the service form
  • Fixed a bug where approving several time off requests in bulk was not working

17 Jan 2024

New Features

  • Added description field to Time Off category
  • Added the ability to define multiple initial (empty) filter fields in view setup

Bugs Fixed

  • New ProjectAssignChecker which can work with memberships and permission system
  • Updated copy when organization/email is not found while logging in using SSO
  • Updated text on 2FA screen
  • Implemented new functionality inside automations action step forms for CREATE_TASK and UPDATE_TASK actions. Tasks can now be set to private by clicking on button with padlock icon inside flyout modal header
  • Adding dependencies and modifying task due dates is now available on gantt quarter zoom
  • Removed Left To Schedule in Booking Modal reports
  • Added Manager column to Person data import template
  • Removed condition that merging contacts is only available if they are active

Bugs Fixed

  • Handled time entry delete confirm rejection
  • Create new cost rate for editing placeholders without cost rate
  • Fixed missing holiday calendar dropdown on a cost rate of a deactivated person
  • Replaced the active project query for projectless budget
  • Fixed an error where the Deal closed on date field was verified on a budget
  • Prevented time entry delete after setting time entry’s time value in timesheet cell to 0
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a element with the quantity focused would not work in the service editor
  • Changed error message in time entry form when tracked more than 24 hours
  • Fixed validations in BO for organization subscription form
  • Dependencies for tasks not matching any filter won’t be visible in gantt layout
  • Fixed an issue with attribute mentions on automations where mentions would stop working after prepending steps before mentioned steps
  • Resolved issue with export api filter params serialization
  • Reset value to default domain on email invoice form on lower plans
  • Aligned buttons left on the project creation form
  • Fixed time entry save flow in timesheet view
  • Resolved an issue where the new exporter route was incorrectly displaying a dark theme instead of the intended light theme
  • Fixed an issue where table header would stay on top of the page after scrolling
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on “Set default currency” button didn’t work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where the label “Date (month)” would appear when showing individual time entries in Deal -> Time screen instead od “Time entry”
  • Improved the workflow status info tooltip when creating a project
  • Fixed an issue with the new exporter when some reports have incorrect names or are missing names
  • Prevent starting timer from company time in old layout
  • Fixed an issue where the pulse could not be updated after being created

10 Jan 2024

New Features

  • Added tooltip for Project and Budget in suggestions and Time entry list

Bugs Fixed

  • Workflow statuses are now ordered by position when edited on the table layout
  • When duplicating time from the previous day, a loading state will now show
  • Fixed overlapping date errors on entitlement form
  • The name of the tab now refreshes when changing the title of a task
  • Fixed miscalculation of Left to schedule time in Resourcing
  • Commenting after canceling the upload of an attachment no longer shows an error
  • Fixed bug on bulk copy time entries in day view that caused time entry’s start time and date discrepancy
  • Fixed missing budgets tab on company page
  • Fixed an issue when moving booking to person not on project would show wrong person in the booking form dropdown

20 Dec 2023

New Features

  • Allowed the user to bulk and inline edit the ‘Stage’ field in Deals
  • Removed the ‘Access type changed’ activity change when you share/unshare a budget/deal to someone


  • Fetch all countries and their subdivisions, change state input into select with subdivisions
  • On duplicated project remove privacy section and changed copy for project members
  • Updated copy while deleting full access membership in tasks view sharing
  • People who are not in the project can get access to the do

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed issue with data table scroll
  • Removed Request time off as necessary permission to view your own entitlements
  • Fix the warning message on request time off screen when there is no more entitlements available
  • Fixed an error where the recalculation status wouldn’t resolve appropriately on overheads
  • Fix that solves issue where buttons are disabled in docs Ask AI modal

13 Dec 2023

New Features

  • Added budget-cap-enabled field to the service report
  • Added user defined includes on start and stop timer actions in order to optimize timer requests


  • Removed avatar lock ( private ) icon from the project
  • Open the memberships sharing modal on Add or Remove button and click on the project sidebar
  • Removed project members and privacy section from the sidebar
  • Removed Private / Public radio button from edit project modal
  • Removed privacy sharing from add new project modal ( private prop in form is still here)
  • Users can now toggle snowstorm animation by pressing CMD+E (Mac OS) / CTRL+E (Others) key combination
  • Updated copy for not found organization while logging using SSO
  • Users with View employees and contractors permission should be able to see CRM contacts page
  • Vertical line which marks current day will be visible in gantt layout
  • Dependencies major versions update
  • Deactivated person’s name will now be crossed out.
  • Moved delete and duplicate booking actions from overflow menu into the main booking popup content

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where the Document Template editor would have an additional style listed in its dropdown
  • Prevent creating duplicate dependencies via gantt layout
  • Set default billing info for client company on invoice
  • Fixed avatar lock ( private ) icon from project in table layout
  • Removed undo action when moving booking from one person, project, time off to another
  • Removed additional integration validity checks in the marketplace
  • Archived projects are now crossed out on Resourcing and Info popover
  • Improved how tasks title saves and when the form loss window shows up
  • Showing people with access to deal in the membership modal would sometimes show incorrect results
  • Services on deal and budget screens have been updated to work with permissions correctly
  • Favorited expenses views will now be correctly redirected to expenses
  • Fixed bug on time entry create in calendar view when organization has Sunday as week start day and user has weekend hidden
  • Fixed minor visual issues on task time and nested service picker
  • Fixed ‘X’ icon not working on Booking after populating some fields
  • Changing person or event on booking form in Resourcing will not trigger undo
  • Placeholder won’t be visible if mention is placed in checklist
  • Fixed a bug that showed the quantity field was empty even though it had a ‘0’ in it in the service form
  • Improved contrast when quoting in comments
  • Removed time entry manage locked check in date picker in order to prevent time entry move to locked date
  • Fixed issues with availability of client access feature on budgets

6 Dec 2023

New Features

  • Added an error message when trying to delete an entitlement that has time off bookings assigned to it
  • Showed a comprehensible error if the user tries to assign a person to a service with person restriction
  • Added metric for tracking clicking the open budget button on booking modal in Resourcing
  • Implemented new column on companies, invoices and docs tables called ‘Last activity’


  • Bamboo, Breathe, Personio and Twinfield have new badges on marketplace cards
  • Support for creating virtual membership within sharing feature
  • Updated copy for BO organization columns. Total products MRR and total plan MRR to products MRR and plan MRR. Fix for filters
  • Removed redundant permission dependency for viewing employees, contractors and clients custom fields
  • Update availability status from styles
  • Renamed team members and clients manage permission to be more precise
  • Added person ID filter to active timers query

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue which would cause budgets not to be created when winning a deal and creating a project by copying another
  • Page versions will be autoreloaded every 2 minutes if content changes while sidebar is opened
  • Added error validation tooltip to Invite contact form
  • Fixed nested service picker spacing
  • In time entry edit rewritten form, reset property on note field blu
  • Fixed selection contrast on docs dark mode
  • Added indicator wether clients have access to specific budget in membership modal
  • Fixed an issue where using ‘@me’ person filter was fetching all people, instead of just ‘me’
  • It is now easier to navigate deal cost rates table using keyboard shortcut (tab key)
  • Updated copy for deals and budgets membership items
  • Fixed an issue where users could not add new custom fields to resourcing placeholders in settings
  • Made choosing services and expenses for purchase orders more informative
  • Fix showing warning on booking modal if custom fields are used but there is no custom fields on booking
  • Gantt dependencies won’t be visible for tasks which belong to collapsed board

22 Nov 2023

New Features

  • Added projected-revenue to the financial item report
  • Redesigned and upgraded AI support within productive docs
  • Users can now share views within tasks
  • Added projected-revenue field to the service report
  • Enable inline editing of Manager field in people data table


  • Update GPT model from 4.0 to gpt-4-1106-preview
  • Added avatar color and fixed minor issues
  • Added final fixes for the day view layout
  • Sorted list of services in a timesheet
  • Task can be added though ‘+’ button on tasks navigation subitem
  • Implemented enter button in editor command list for a better indication of the apply action within docs

Bugs Fixed

  • My Company icon is now smaller to match the size of other icons
  • Longer names of boards will be shortened in board picker and dashboard picker
  • Fixed styling for PDF export
  • Fixed unsupported time off category filters on the booking approvals screen
  • Budgets and Deals will have its suffix and icons displayed in filter
  • Currency on deal form would sometimes fail to set
  • Fixed an issue where making changes on an organization company would override default payment terms
  • Fixed an issue that would cause newly created budgets not to be associated with their project when created via the project wizard
  • Fixed an issue that would cause all time entries to load in time entry tables on deals
  • Fixed incorrect text when removing a person from a project
  • Fixed an issue where the error ‘Timer already stopped’ appeared
  • Fixed lingering note when requesting time off
  • Fixed an issue where an invitation email was mistakenly sent to a user, even when the ‘send email’ checkbox was not selected
  • Joined subtasks to tasks when getting task assignees on task move action
  • Fix Docs issue with inserting base64 images
  • Remove Client and Contractor roles from employee section system permission sets
  • Prevention of client and server congestion by dropping or pasting large content within docs
  • Fixed wrong URL for CVS and XLS Report Exports
  • Added date range optional property to nested service picker
  • Fixed styling on buttons with a menu on dark mode
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Overhead cost’ feature would not show up when downgrading a plan
  • Budget filter now correctly includes suffix
  • Fixed mention color within docs banners in dark theme
  • Fixed subtasks showing twice on task if they’re also a dependent task
  • Added the ability to group by dates when exporting time entries as a client

8 Nov 2023

New Features

  • Disabled sending 2FA recovery codes to deactivated users
  • Added an empty/not empty filter for project relationship on Budget report
  • Added event tracking on person status change


  • Closed tasks will appear as crossed in navigation recents panel
  • Add upsell button for person out status
  • Update status styles on person profile, change status order
  • Reimbursement date field is now available on expense reports
  • Removed view time off permission
  • Rename field group name in C&A report
  • When making a budget recurring, the earliest occurrence can be either 1 day after the budget starts or 1 day from today, whichever comes later
  • Add feature badge ‘new’ next to Update your status in dropdown
  • Add person status on jump search

Bugs Fixed

  • Renamed ‘Total budget’ to ‘Budget total’
  • Fixed an issue which would not show capacity indicators on scheduling for tentative bookings
  • Initial currency for new budgets is now set from company
  • Diabled remove field action in column menu on tables if the column is mandatory
  • Inbox will now close when notification is selected and will always appear on top most layer when opened
  • Fixed an issue when opening a purchase order attachment
  • Fixed an issue where form errors were not showing in tooltip
  • Ability to use either dot or comma when entering the expense quantity
  • Fixed submitting integration settings form and enabled exiting from it
  • Currency is no longer disabled on the rate card form when the billing type is non-billable. The quantity and rate now reset to initial values on non-billable
  • Fixed an issue where sticky positions of bookings in Resourcing were not working properly
  • On task move, single or bulk, check if each of the selected tasks assignees are assigned to the target project
  • Budget services editor will now show errors on the billing type field which were previously missing
  • Limited the number of time entries shown on the task Time screen
  • Added deal scheduling control on services

25 Oct 2023

New Features

  • Video can be embedded to page using YouTube, Vimeo or Loom link
  • Added Manager field to Capacity & Availability and People reports
  • Created form where people with ability to send 2FA reset codes can send codes to users


  • Display an error message if there is one while transitioning to Productive after creating integration
  • Added an indicator to show when there’s a sort option selected on a view
  • Loading projects in time tracking speeded up
  • Approvals button is visible on mobile layout
  • UX and UI improvements for Hubspot settings modal

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the subsidiary field on the budget form to flash when saving a new budget
  • Improve time entry ability by checking if time entry is owned by current user
  • Preload budgets on profile page
  • Fixed an issue where favourite report item links were not working
  • Added request time off dependency for add, edit and delete other users time off permission

18 Oct 2023

New Features

  • Add person out status on mention in new search
  • Add person out status emoji near avatar and on person profile
  • Added validation for Metadata field on SSO setup form
  • Display warning before export to Fortnox for credit note when it has a lower total amount than its parent invoice


  • Change copy from Scheduling to Resourcing in Reports
  • Display the ending of the billing cycle for Enterprise plans
  • Adjusted error text to deactivate user error
  • Attachments – backward compatibility

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug where chosen column fields in views on People resourcing were not saved
  • Removed custom includes, and request for Manager field using feature flag person-manager
  • Fix rendering placeholder within list elements in Safari browser
  • Enable marking invoice as sent on current date
  • Added cancelOn on task to cancel it if the controller was reset
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the resourcing screen to crash when editing services from the same screen –
  • Fixed groupBy query params in links for favorited resourcing views
  • Fixed an error that occurred when creating a bill on a purchase order without expenses
  • Users can now create a new action step called ‘Create Task’ to create a Task/Milestone through an Automation run
  • Fixed issues with values and financial blocks on an internal budget
  • Fixed subscribing using the watch button on a task
  • Fixed an issue causing the expense modal to be hidden on the budget route
  • Navigation items will be correctly placed in dropdown on smaller screens
  • Rename scheduling to resourcing in settings
  • Fixed an issue with the Dependency filter not saving
  • Invoice PDF files can once again be previewed prior to sending
  • Fixed an issue that would cause long document notes to collide with other deal sidebar content
  • Fix person status form fields if the expiration date passed

4 Oct 2023

New Features

  • Disable dates in the past when picking a date in person status change form
  • Integration of banners within docs toolbar
  • Added new time interval filter: From today until the end of the year
  • Change status modal where user can change his current status


  • Services sorted hierarchically: by company – project – deal – service
  • Start dates can now be copied when copying project

Bugs Fixed

  • When bulk editing parent tasks, the dropdown now shows the task number with the title
  • Updated invoice line item on the invoicing wizard when an item is mentioned by clicking on Display by Budget or Service
  • Fixed an error that navigates the user to an invoice that does not exist
  • Fixed issue with accounts and setting dropdown reposition if the ‘Verify account’ button is visible • Fixed an issue causing expense form errors not to be displayed on the service field
  • Non-project members won’t be able to change tasks through gantt timeline
  • Fix for time off quick add option is not visible if time off approval is disabled
  • Fixed an issue where a newly finalized invoice had the wrong filename for its .pdf file
  • Fixed an issue that would cause form errors not to be cleared after changing field values
  • Fixed an issue where resourcing would suddenly jump to the top when scrolling left or right

27 Sep 2023

New Features

  • Fixed users custom fields permissions in view setup


  • By default, entries will be colored by workflow status
  • Updated Who can see functionality within project and public docs
  • On expense approvals, the expense cost will now show the total cost (with quantity)
  • Restrict updating invoice status and interaction on comment (react/pin), and also restrict adding invoices through projects and budgets
  • Total count of tasks on list and board layout is now a badge

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed zoom scaling issues on scheduling which caused the calendar items to misalign
  • Fixes favouriting time entries approvals
  • Fixes favouriting time off approvals
  • Fixed displaying untitled pages in move page dialog within docs
  • Fixed an issue where deal company contact details would not be shown in deal sidebar
  • Fixed navigation items rendering within ‘More’ dropdown based on screen size.
  • Fixed a bugsnag error regarding an undefined property
  • Fixes an issue where services for expenses were not displayed in financial item report
  • Fixed an issue where performing search on ‘Status’ filter inside project tasks view didn’t trigger option filtering
  • Fixed an issue where users could not save custom field values when editing organization
  • Fixes errors when favoriting various inisghts views
  • Fixed permissions for missing people item in resourcing navigation items
  • Display the invoice template’s email variables on the ​Email template​ tooltip

6 Sep 2023

New Features

  • Added permissions for viewing, adding and updating Users’ custom fields
  • Users can now toogling between ordered and unordered lists within Docs


  • Design adjustments in discussions within Docs
  • Updated date column descriptions in budget Reports

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed time entries data import
  • Added new permission for view notes on time off bookings
  • Exact ledgers and journals are now served for specific divisions
  • Fixed default filter for resourcing groups
  • Disabled the currency field in the expense form if a connected purchase order is sent
  • Fixed a flaky test for purchase orders
  • The work log on the My time screen should now show the correct activities

30 Aug 2023


  • If person has 0 entitlements for an event, requesting time off will be disabled
  • Docs toolbar redesign with new icons and new action organization
  • Removed internal company from Hubspot integration settings in Default company select field
  • Handled error messages when trying to restore time entries that are not possible to be restored

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed disappearing filters on Resourcing when zooming in and out
  • Screen for sending invoices via email has its security measures clarified
  • When duplicating a project, if no budget is duplicated, a new step is shown
  • Fixed an issue causing the submit actions on the expense form to be unresponsive
  • Added form validation message to project wizard
  • Fixed visibility of add new project button for non project managers
  • Clients will no longer be able to bulk delete tasks
  • Hide ghost tasks in board view when viewing task from a specific task list
  • Enable saving non-dirty form for Google calendar settings
  • Fix a bug where converting billing type to actuals would not update estimated time
  • Added new permission for view notes on time off bookings
  • Fixed disappearing filters on Resourcing when zooming in and out
  • Docs comment and task actions are now available for text
  • Add error message when bookings exist on entitlement beyond the end date.
  • Get user to know that it’s not possible to track more than 24 hours in new time entry item. 

23 Aug 2023

Bugs Fixed

  • Active view should reset when switching between projects
  • Saving changes on dashboard should now work correctly when moving and deleting a widget
  • Fixed current filter issues for Resourcing
  • Placeholder icons are now the same color
  • Filtering tasks by due date in calendar layout show now work as intended
  • Pasting list of todos should now keep the original order
  • Enable showing incoming notifications in new layout
  • Deal and budget info tooltip changed
  • Fixed shortcut which triggers link within docs
  • Fixed an error where dragging a booking on scheduling would report a bug
  • Fixed displaying right sidebar within docs according to appropriate permission
  • Disable invite of employees and contractors if there are no more seats available

16 Aug 2023


  • Check if organization subscription has card so the cancel toggle would not be shown when its not necessary
  • Disable submitting billing form when the card is invalid or there is not one
  • Restructure and restyle time entry item in day view entry list
  • Only Milestone icon will be displayed on small Milestone task entries
  • When navigating to current week in day view, redirect to current date instead of the beginning of week

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue with the work log on My Time not showing activities
  • Fix loading more items in tables in dashboard widgets
  • Fixed task entry alignment one expanded task lists
  • Fix upload file(s) on drag and drop within docs
  • Calendar events for Sundays should now show correctly
  • Change month start line indicator on the resourcing screen.
  • Fix sorting tasks in day view by type-converting the number property
  • The new task popup should no longer overflow on smaller devices
  • Removed duplicated booking text in deactivate person modal
  • Display the proration amount if proration is not 0 instead of using the proration amount due

2 Aug 2023

New Features

  • Users are now able to skip some validation errors when bulk editing time entries
  • Task can be created through popover form initiated from table task list row
  • User will be able to change task date range by dragging timeline entry
  • User will be able to set task date range through timeline
  • User can add task list to board via board picker
  • Added a filter for booking custom fields to Capacity & Availability report


  • Changed colors in banners (dark theme) within docs
  • Priority navigation with ‘More’ dropdown will be shown on tablet screens
  • Changed cost field on expense view to show total cost (product of unit cost and quantity) instead of unit cost
  • Focus note field on suggestion select in new time entry form

Bugs Fixed

  • Deleted doc will be automatically removed from Favorites
  • Average rate in project/budgets list view shows correct amount
  • Fixed the bug where sorting for future and some forecasting fields on the service table would not work –
  • Prevented users without time approval permissions to approve time entries
  • Fixed the issue with creating tasks on Tasks – Calendar view

26 Jul 2023

New Features

  • Hide proration row on subscription bill when proration is 0 
  • Users can now create an action which results with comment creation on automation trigger (Task, Deal or Budget)
  • Added option to add custom Headers to Webhooks
  • Set new background image in modal for deactivating organization
  • Employees can now add a nickname to their profile and organization administrators can also edit an employee’s nickname
  • When creating a new project, the budget data step will be skipped if budgets are copied from another project

Bugs Fixed

  • Data regarding overhead will not show if the user does not have overhead included in their plan
  • Fixed an issue causing unnecessary form loss prevention prompts on expense form –
  • Fixed available roles in subscribers dropdown on time offs
  • Limited attachment upload on document templates to only support image and PDF files
  • Disabled making milestones into subtasks using drag and drop on List layout
  • Generate line items with the remaining amount if the budget on service is exceeded
  • Fixed the ‘timer already stopped’ error when stopping timer
  • Fixed a bug where hidden defaults settings would still apply on deals

19 Jul 2023

New Features

  • Added Quick Search for Budgets on a project
  • Used a new and more secure upload flow for uploading avatars


  • New icon will be displayed for Timeline and upcoming Gantt layout
  • Milestone tasks will be marked in the upcoming Gantt timeline
  • Enabled Dashboard duplicate to each user
  • Added Booking duration picker when creating Time Off Category

Bugs Fixed

  • Hide collapse icon on empty groups
  • Added some visual updates to person’s cost rate
  • Updated description for time tracking and expense approval options on budget defaults form
  • Fixed some visual issues on purchase orders
  • Prevented staff and coordinators users from being able to see the approving toggle for a time entry on a budget
  • Note in time off requests can now be seen only by person who requested it and by approvers
  • Available filters in resourcing will now apply to both bookings and allocations

12 Jul 2023

New Features

  • Added option of grouping Time entries by task list in time entry Report


  • Allow the user to undo moving, extending or shortening a booking on Scheduling
  • User will be able to see Task title in timeline date range entry
  • Visual changes to page hierarchy items hover and active states
  • Added Teams field to scheduling and Capacity & Availability report
  • Navigation will be rendered from objects array definition instead of template
  • Only entries that overlap defined date range will be visible in timeline

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue on Deal defaults settings where the form would be initially invalid
  • Added a overflow tooltip to cells with text
  • Fix for services not reloading in Scheduling booking modal if date is changed
  • Fixed issues with unsaved state in Docs
  • Fix rendering text editor command list button on mobile devices
  • Non billable time entries are hidden from deal/budget time tab when viewing as client (not actual client viewing)
  • Users that do not have Entitlements: View All Permission can no longer see other users’ time offs
  • Fixed a bug where the whole booking entry on Scheduling wouldn’t be visible because of the “Person title” field
  • Displayed unrecognized invoice line items which have the currency set different than the one set in organization settings

5 Jul 2023

New Features

  • Added the “Person tags” field to scheduling
  • Update the invoice and export it to Fortnox 
  • Enable extending or shifting task dates in bulk editor 
  • User can now see grouped subtasks under the same parent task in the table
  • Webhooks rewrite x feature flag
  • Export credit note to Fortnox
  • Users can now see a history of automation run details


  • Changed flow of saving discussions and comments within docs

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed issue with not hiding discount total field on proposal templates
  • Limited time off events can now be created even if time off approvals feature is not available
  • Allow saving subscription form when no changes have been made
  • Tooltip on watch button for deals and budgets received an intricate rewording
  • Watch/unwatch button is properly hidden
  • Remove edit part from title on subsidiary invoicing options modal
  • Set width for proration info popover on settings billing
  • Enabled displaying popover on nav item click for tablet screens
  • Fixed display of wrong current hourly rate in Cost Rates screen
  • Fixed displaying list item placeholder under mention
  • This prevents false bugsnag error when user doesn’t confirm service and section deletion
  • If Exact integration is created but not connected, reconnect it instead of editing
  • Set only negative quantity for generated expenses on invoice instead of negative rates
  • Fix for preventing reseting changes on resourcing booking form when closing the popup
  • Users will now be able to bulk edit Person Custom field type
  • Icon was missing after creating new Person Custom field through “Tasks custom field library” in settings
  • Calculate unrecognized line item amount without rounding if unit is days

28 Jun 2023

New Features

  • Added a modal to confirm changes in the current view when updating filters, sorters or groups in Scheduling – 
  • Currency switcher added to dashboard widget
  • Added Total expense cost column to financial item report


  • Modal will now be displayed when deleting project membership
  • Left to Schedule field in Service Report is updated to use Estimated time in calculation instead of Budgeted time (Left to Schedule = Estimated – Worked – Scheduled)
  • Style people avatar icon and hide people count within project toolbar
  • Set the subsidiary’s name on the modal for editing the subsidiary’s invoicing settings

Bugs Fixed

  • Disable editing on project privacy field in projects data table
  • Remove upsell popover on payment reminder dropdown on form for sending invoice via email
  • Fixed an issue that caused services in booking form picker not to be reloaded when changing date

14 Jun 2023


  • Changed flash message to display new format with recycle bin
  • Added info text in Add doc to project within docs
  • User can now move page from header toolbar actions
  • User can now delete page from header toolbar dropdown
  • User can convert page to doc and duplicate page from header toolbar dropdown actions

Bugs Fixed

  • Design fix for Hubspot flyout modal
  • Fixed entitlement form by enabling submit if the form has a server error
  • Deduct recognized quantity time in days if necessary
  • Removed Export Proposal PDF from Budget screen and Export Budget Status PDF from Deal screen to avoid confusion

7 Jun 2023

New Features

  • Users will be able to share project within organization 
  • List of automations revamped according to new design. Background flag created.
  • Changed icon for file upload within docs editor command list
  • Removed flag property test definition
  • On new time entry submit, scroll to the top of the section and focus note field
  • Added mobile adjustments and drawer for time entries on day view
  • User will be able to initiate new quick mention search in docs discussions.
  • User can now choose between three page widths (default, wide, full width) and two text sizes (default, large).


  • Users can now set report Pulse repeat schedule to Biweekly

Bugs Fixed

  • Disabled changing tasks to private through bulk edit on template projects
  • Changed todos label to to-dos
  • Disable navigating to the templates route for non managers
  • There was a bug with setting a project on budget-view-setup
  • fixed an issue causing deal warning changes to save on every change 

31 May 2023

New Features

  • Enabled select on form for selecting ledger for invoice export to Exact
  • Added a filter for whether a task is repeating or not 
  • Display notification message in flash message for unrecognized items & expenses when creating a new invoice
  • Direct Integration with Breathe


  • Added subsidiary field on Financial Items Report. Filtering, sorting and grouping are supported
  • Subsidiary field is now hidden in Create New Budget and New Deal Form if only one subsidiary is active
  • Added Recognized Revenue field to expense report that shows expected revenue from the expense
  • Display client ID when editing Personio
  • Grouped Custom fields in the bulk edit tray into a separate section
  • Updated page after success attachment upload 

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue causing booking popup for allocations to shown off position – 
  • Template banner should now be visible on docs and tasks which are on template projects
  • Cut too long project/budget label and fix information order in service button
  • Prevented time range from closing on duration focus 
  • Fixed a bug where it said overhead was off even though it was on

17 May 2023

New Features

  • Enable having multiple organizations and selecting one on Xero integration options form
  • Display name with a suffix of recurring budgets on invoice wizard
  • Display name with suffix of recurring budgets on invoice wizard 
  • Added indicators for webhook status and option to test webhook connection


  • Users can now use shortcuts for toolbar actions within docs 
  • Add shortcut for toggling favorites sidebar

Bugs Fixed

  • Time entry form will now be submittable when changing time duration
  • Fixed pending time off tooltip label for time-offs limited by hours
  • Fixed started date for Jira worklogs
  • Changed redirection at cost rate page on onboarding to target edit modal instead of new if current salary exists
  • Fixed check for Exact’s integration validity before exporting invoice
  • Fix empty toolbar rendering in Docs
  • Fixed an issue causing invalid numbers to display in scheduling capacity for people without a cost rate in that period
  • Fixed an issue causing some changes on bookings not to reset after an error
  • Clicking on a link which leads to something within Productive should no longer cause an error
  • Disable connecting CPP integration without contacting us
  • Expanded validation for links within docs and added support for mailto links
  • Fixed an issue causing scheduling placeholders not to be editable
  • Fixed an issue where stopping timer on a time entry not related to a open Jira issue did not create a Jira worklog 

10 May 2023

New Features

  • Added person title field to the Capacity & Availability and Scheduling screens
  • Update invoice in Visma E-conomic integration
  • Added new styling for webhooks settings page
  • Add integrations as search term for the marketplace
  • Separated section total and grand total hiding options on document templates 
  • Export credit note to Visma E-conomic accounting tool


  • Added time off category picker on booking form when scheduling is grouped by time off category
  • After converting page to doc a confirming flash message will be shown
  • Set the title for invoicing in settings as a settings card for consistency 

Bugs Fixed

  • Allowed sorting by relationships in scheduling
  • hide adding new workplace to person if not permitted
  • Favouriting projects view should now work correctly
  • Changed text color in dark mode in popup when deleting a service
  • Vertically aligned actions in deal and budget headers
  • Removed max validation for rate card markups
  • Enable editing Exact integration settings
  • Fixed a few styling issues on the booking form
  • Flash show that task has been moved to another project now shows correct info
  • Fix for missing integration name in integration option settings modal
  • Fix for successfully submitting booking after date range was updated
  • Fixed the bug where navigating through budgets would show services from the first budget when filtering through them
  • Fixed banner text on dark theme within docs
  • Fixed problem with submit button within discussion form
  • Fixed wording for bulk deleting time entries to support plural
  • Fixed an issue with editing project custom fields being disabled
  • Tooltip on progress chart has corrected date in header
  • Fixed wrong plan feature for Slack notifications & tasks
  • Fixed an issue where formula values on specific formulae in reports were incorrectly calculated
  • Replaced Client with Placeholder in Person type filter in Scheduling as it was before
  • Fixed NaN value for left for invoicing amount for invoice attributions
  • Subsidiary dropdown options are now sorted alphabetically
  • If user has no permissions for company projects or company people routes, it will redirect him to feed
  • Correctly set task type when bulk adding parent task
  • Fixed misaligned icons on HubSpot integration in Firefox 

3 May 2023

New Features

  • Set article link on Twinfield’s Marketplace modal 
  • Tracking controls are shown when tracking time and expense on deals 

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix for a bug where expense notification were visible for Clients
  • Hide time off approvals item in notifications Settings for Clients 

26 Apr 2023

New Features

  • Add new integration settings for Twinfield: project and cost center
  • Tracking controls are shown when tracking time and expense on deals 


  • Disabled changing access for PMs on document memberships
  • Notification due before option labels are now renamed
  • Set color for link icon on marketplace card when integration is connected
  • Enable displaying teams and filtering by them

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed margins for details in a section
  • Fix for tax rate calculation on invoice
  • Fix while uploading file on first line in document 
  • Removed the Reminders section from the notification settings
  • Time entry form will no longer overflow when task with longer name has been selected
  • Restarting timer in Jira now creates separate worklogs
  • Warning modal will be raised if trying to stop the timer that was started inside Jira widget 

5 Apr 2023

New Features


  • Set toggler instead of radio select for Visma E-conomic export number on integration settings 
  • Enabled exporting credit note to Exact


  • The order of task lists in the board picker now matches the one in list layout
  • New services will have all tracking options enabled by default
  • Updated country names to match ISO3166-1 standard county names
  • Enabled filtering tasks by the types of dependencies they have
  • Add shortcut label to inbox, and tooltip labels to search and timer

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed info tooltip about deducing entitlements when requesting time off spans multiple entitlements
  • Fixed a bug where custom fields on bookings were not saving on repeated bookings
  • Fixed disabled editing company info when a company has only one subsidiary
  • Hide virtual (revoked status) indicator on the person’s navbar
  • Expenses table can now be scrolled horizontally
  • Tracking options on services are no longer visible on deals
  • Fixed a few styling issues on booking forms
  • Fixed a bug where unintentional overrides of estimates on services would manifest when making changes 
  • Invite admin as manager but without the possibility to change its permissions
  • Budget navbar will no longer break on certain resolutions
  • Fixed an issue where selecting All time in the chart of a recurring budget would break chart
  • Fixed a bug where a delivered budget would show the profitability chart with items until today instead of the date it was delivered on
  • Fix issue with dragging task between task list groups on list layout
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when closing the invoice creating modal in a company
  • Fixed scrolling issue for long service descriptions
  • Fixed missing initials on person’s avatar

22 Mar 2023

New Features

  • Activity changes will now show restored bookings properly
  • Timers started from Jira are now colored with Jira brand color
  • Enabled automatic creation of customers for Visma e-conomic invoice export
  • Added notification settings for Notes
  • Disabled invoice export if all properties in form do not have selected values
  • Sorting document templates alphabetically when listing them in the settings page


  • Enable resizing sidebar showing subpages in Doc
  • Wording in Docs and page actions are updated
  • Updated wording for users on Harvest data import
  • Move page and convert to Doc action are available to all subpages in Doc

Bugs Fixed

  • Expenses can now be filtered by multiple service types on My expenses screen
  • Added rate card status and rates count fields to Rate report in Reports
  • Fixed the unclickable navigation buttons in Intercom navigation in iOS
  • Fixed an issue causing users with roles downgraded to manager to be locked into budget profitability views
  • Budgets chart and financial block have less money issues
  • Remove the page limit from the project search when adding project(s) to the person
  • Fixed a bug where placeholder user color couldn’t be yellow
  • Deleting services and sections received UX improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing settings tab not to be visible in deal sidebar
  • Automatic time tracking is now disabled for placeholders on booking form
  • Replaced the source the person company filter in capacity & availability report points to
  • Fixed an issue which prevented changing services for different people on booking form
  • Fixed subtasks disappearing when drag and dropping parent tasks between groups on list layout
  • Fixed an issue where save button was not visible on booking forms

15 Mar 2023

New Features

  • Display a person’s name if it’s already inside a Company on salary form when inviting people
  • Always display the time off tab for a person but hide/show time off approvers depending on the time off approval addon state
  • Notification settings for tasks can now configure due date


  • Folding pages in pages hierarchy will be saved within Docs

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue causing default deal probability not to be used when set to 0
  • Fix wording on flash message when deactivating user to inform user’s properly about total seat number change
  • Remove tasks from archived task lists and boards in task picker on time entries
  • Fixed changing a person’s virtual status after updating the person’s holiday calendar
  • When an invoice is copied but integration was deleted or it’s not valid, display the proper copy on the invoice integration status popover
  • Improved styling and wording of available seats error when importing user templates

1 Mar 2023

New Features

  • Add additional Me label next to current person in assignee select field on Tasks
  • Created by field is now available in Reports on Time Entries source
  • Export credit note to Twinfield
  • Added the possibility to toggle tracking for whole sections


  • On Deal edit view, for new section, estimate field auto shows for piece unit

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the hour format in nested service picker
  • Removed duplicate tags filter on Scheduling
  • Fixed display of global error messages when importing data
  • Fixed a bug where a mention for an attachment didn’t work after comment has been saved
  • The unread activities indicator no longer appears on the time tab in Task
  • Fixed an issue causing some services to be missing from booking form on Scheduling
  • Loading state for searching mentions should now show correctly
  • Fixed an issue causing the booking form date picker to become unresponsive
  • Added validation when changing the overhead recalculation date
  • Set tooltip when creating invoice for Uninvoiced time & expenses label only when budget has all fixed (by piece) services
  • Raised the maximum number of prices that can be listed when editing rate cards
  • Disabled finalize invoice button if there are some unsaved changes present
  • Fixed rounding issues when invoicing by percentage of selected Budget(s)
  • Disable opening select fields when using shortcuts
  • Managers should be able to add and remove task custom fields from the library to the project
  • Enable editing Projects that are public and user is not a member

22 Feb 2023

New Features

  • Display article The in exported file when address is in Netherlands
  • Sort option can now be edited on Dashboard widgets
  • Allowed users to export line items Reports
  • Dashboards can now be duplicated


  • Information about Dashboard creator, creation and last update time is now available in Dashboard header
  • Mentions for tasks now have updated icon
  • Set invoice destination in Twinfield settings, automatically create customer while exporting invoice
  • Moved budget client view setting into client tab
  • Worked time and Scheduled time fields on financial report are updated, and a new field Time has been added

Bugs Fixed

  • Enable pinning of services in new time entry form on Calendar layout
  • When resizing the window on Calendar layout, tasks no longer get misaligned
  • Removed time off status sync for Office 365 calendar integration
  • Percentage helper rounds to whole number when precision is set to 0
  • Users can now reopen resolved discussions
  • Changed Google’s description link on marketplace modal
  • Chart items now correctly use default and normalized currency
  • Disable editing custom fields for non-admins in project library
  • Staffers can no longer reassign person on expense modal
  • Service picker popover on expense form is wider so that large project names are fully shown
  • Changed wording in settings from Subsidiaries to Company info
  • Fixed an issue on company time which allowed tracking time for a deactivated person

15 Feb 2023

New Features

  • Added European Central Bank as the exchange rate provider
  • Show person’s name with mail same as the one in form for creating new person and link this person to it’s name
  • Added over-invoiced budgets and services modal to Invoice wizard
  • Widgets can now be moved between Dashboards
  • Enabled Twinfield invoice export


  • Disable showing Revoke login access button on Contacts
  • Added Company view and Company manage permissions
  • Added the possibility to choose a Holiday Calendar when defining the cost rate for a newly invited person 
  • Added the first step in the purchase order wizard for picking the vendor

Beta Features

  • Introduced a new beta flag to display billing type field on Financial report
  • Disabled adding Milestones on project with no boards or task lists
  • Enabling convert of Milestones to Tasks and vice versa
  • Users can now be imported to Productive via CSV templates
  • Added company view and company manage permissions
  • Added the possibility to choose a Holiday calendar when defining the cost rate for a newly invited person –
  • Added the first step in the purchase order wizard for picking the vendor

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix for incorrect calculation of line item amount with tax
  • Saving the project as a template no longer changes Project’s name
  • Popover displaying widget information will no longer show while widget is not saved
  • Fixed the rounding issues with hours
  • Disable editing comments and using toolbar
  • Fixed disappearing active timers on Jira widget & excessive logging to Jira log history
  • Button for showing and hiding completed todos in now aligned
  • Disable multiple revoking login access
  • Avatars in Feed widget should now be aligned
  • Warning for exporting too many items should now show correct number of items
  • Column aggregations will now be visible in widgets
  • Updated wording for data import page
  • Users can now reopen resolved discussions

8 Feb 2023

New Features

  • Added Twinfield to the App Marketplace


  • Renamed billable Time Approval feature to just Time Approval

Beta Features

  • Users can now use Split cells action within table toolbar options
  • Users can now use Merge cells action within table toolbar options
  • Updated styling in overhead settings
  • Limitations when editing a time off are now behind a beta flag
  • Added the groundworks for Purchase Orders
  • Fixed a bug where some filters got removed immediately after opening an Report
  • Replaced all labels for Actuals billing type with Time and materials 

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where booking tracking was visible on Deals
  • Update Email inbox setting on toggle change
  • Fixed style for Expenses settings after design review
  • Fixed logged minutes bug in Jira when tracking time via timer
  • Removed possibility for disabled state on invoicing setting and remove unnecessary tooltip
  • Update Time entries approval setting in Time tracking settings (a.k.a. billable time approvals)
  • Added a visual error when user tries to edit data in read only mode

1 Feb 2023

New Features

  • A booking can now last a maximum of 2 years
  • Added confirmation modal for deactivating group of people
  • Move expenses approvals addon to it’s own settings card 


  • Added quantity field to expense form where it was missing

Beta Features

  • Fixed the wrong displayed value when requesting half day off
  • Added required custom fields to bookings
  • Users can now use Clear contents action within table toolbar options
  • Reordered columns in overhead settings and fixed a bug showing the wrong overhead cost
  • Removed hourly cost in users cost rate if cost rate is hourly and fixed capacity values 

Bugs Fixed

  • Filter only active rate cards
  • Improved copy for reports not available in users current pricing plan
  • HubSpot integration is marked as BETA in marketplace
  • Financial precision dropdown no longer shows empty options
  • Fixed an issue causing the scheduling activity link to be visible outside of plan
  • Fixed integration’s status changing icon and tooltip for Exact
  • Fixed bug that prevented exporting credit notes to accounting tool
  • New job modal on company jobs screen acts as expected
  • Fixed a bug where Time off icons did not show in scheduling when grouped by Time off
  • Prevented user from editing their own approved time off
  • Fixed the wrong Last updated date being shown in the footer of a booking popup on scheduling
  • Fixed broken form for creating a pulse
  • Fixed a bug where billable amount did not save first time when creating new Expense
  • Fixed a bug where estimated time did not save when updating it manually
  • When grouped by project on Scheduling, service picker is now limited to only services that belong to the selected project 

25 Jan 2023

New Features

  • Moved Email inbox Addon to Sales settings


  • Add Upsell modal for Template Center
  • Set Colours for disabled toggles depending on its status 

Beta Features

  • Added the budget cap to Actual services in the Budget -> Service
  • Enable creating Milestones using quick add
  • Fixed the styling of Overhead settings
  • The person who duplicates a project now becomes the creator of all copied objects
  • Budget recurring filters now have a plain date picker 
  • User can now create, update and delete custom roles
  • Hidden the Show history button on booking popover for staff users
  • The button for triggering occurrence now on recurring budgets will now be disabled until the action is finished

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix disappearing event suggestion in calendar layout on time tracking
  • Fix setting correct date on time entry when dragging it after midnight on calendar layout
  • Prevent certain sidebars from closing without the users confirmation
  • Fixed a bug where an incorrect currency was shown on an existing overhead calculation
  • Removed the overhead recalculation action for projection
  • Added budget remaining filter to services report
  • Fixed a bug when filtering services by booking tracking enabled in reports
  • Fixed the conflicted booking bug
  • Fixed null values for linked services amounts on invoices
  • Fixed the rounding issue for worked time/estimated time label when picking a service in a dropdown
  • Timer in desktop app widget is now correctly refreshed when app is in the background

18 Jan 2023

New Features

  • Added CompanyCode column in Company data import
  • Enabled moving board to another project
  • Instead of showing an error on a booking entry in the calendar, it will be displayed in a modal
  • Enable including Time Off time in week aggregations for time entries on day view
  • New Marketplace banner for HubSpot integration


  • Removed teams from contact’s navigation bar
  • When bulk changing people on time entries, a window asking for confirmation will show
  • Changed addon as copy to setting or remove it where it wasn’t necessary

Beta Features

  • People, Companies & Deals synced with external tools will now be marked with an accompanying sync icon –
  • User can now see history of all activity in Audit log in Settings
  • Added the possibility to book half a day when requesting day off
  • Hourly cost rate will now show weekly capacity instead of daily
  • Custom roles can now be assigned in person permissions form
  • Warning modal will popup if a user attempts to update a person, company, service or a deal imported from external tool

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a broken link to the help article in the Custom Fields settings page
  • Fixed inconsistencies when using the feature view as client and actually viewing as a client
  • Fixed Jira widget bugsnag when deleting integration for an archived project
  • Labels for recent dashboards in sidebar now have a fixed width
  • Enable stopping timer on time entry from yesterday in calendar layout
  • Fixed a bug where invalid money appears for the profit/revenue values after hiding the chart on a budget
  • Set warning icon and tooltip for revoked Slack

11 Jan 2023

New Features

  • Document templates now support Polish language
  • Added rate in Euros column for HRK invoices
  • Widgets can now be duplicated


  • Improve empty state on metrics chart when displaying money data
  • Estimated time now adjusts based on input quantity when creating new fixed service
  • Single-sign-on form metadata URL and XML input fields are now being validated

Beta Features

  • Added custom fields split by pipeline in the Jobs sidebar
  • Creating new pipeline stage has Open as default status preselected
  • Added functionality to invoice percentage of budget(s)
  • Added a way to create Milestones and updated the Task form
  • JIRA issue status & JIRA issue summary are now available on time entry reports
  • Picker for deal status is bigger and easier to find

Bugs Fixed

  • Updated the default scheduling date from center to beginning of todays week
  • Tooltip for requested time-off now has a more understandable description
  • Sort time entries in day view so that last created one is at the top of the list
  • Date and service field on Expense form now do not have a clear button

4 Jan 2023

New Features

  • Unlimited time-off entitlements are now always defined in hours
  • Added validation for “ended on” date in Scheduling when editing or creating a new booking
  • Ability to convert a user to virtual user
  • Payments can now be synced to Exact integration
  • Time Tracking addons are now in Time Tracking Settings section


  • Divided Service types Settings in Sections on Budgets

Beta Features

  • Added a popup with Custom fields when the pipeline on a Job gets changed
  • Jobs received – delivered on date field
  • Fixed the look of the Overhead cost upgrade feature in settings
  • Added Custom fields when creating a new Job
  • Added a holiday calendar picker to the cost rate modal
  • Invoice wizard now supports time entries in cost rate currency
  • Cross group drag and drop for Jobs kanban
  • Active discussion excerpt is now higlighted in Doc editor
  • Added verification whether the organization has an active Slack integration when displaying Slack toggle options for notifications
  • Removed all checkboxes from Slack medium except on Comments and Mentioned properties
  • Added pipeline picker and information to Custom fields Settings

Bugs Fixed

  • Repeat booking count is limited from 50 to 52
  • Requires approval message won’t appear anymore for automatically approved time-offs
  • Fixed styling for adding new rate modal when organization or company have no defined currency
  • Fixed a bug where it was not possible to turn on status sync for Google calendar integration
  • Removed rate cards filter for plans that do not support rate cards
  • Fixed not opening modal when editing Subsidiary
  • Fix for disabled time off approval addon
  • It is now possible to add rates of negative value to a rate card
  • Fixed a bug where time and booking tracking were left on, instead of off
  • Fixed an issue causing the add vendor button to be displayed to all users on expense form
  • Fixed a bug where the initial opened tab on the budget -> services screen wasn’t correct
  • Fixed a bug where non-billable services would show when using the View as client feature

21 Dec 2022

New Features

  • Transfer time off approval addon to time off approval settings route
  • User contact info is now hidden for client roles
  • Move subsidiary addon inside company info settings card
  • Moved invoicing addon on invoicing settings card
  • Toggle payment reminder form and set remove reminder button at the bottom


  • Redirect user from time calendar layout to marketplace when it’s clicked on calendar settings

Beta Features

  • Adding new stage opens a modal which, if canceled, now correctly disposes of this unwanted stage
  • Deleting pipeline stage modal includes stage icon next to name
  • Allowed the user to remove an assigned project from a job
  • Hourly cost rate will now show different data
  • Added Invoice line items Report

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug when bulk selecting would cause other bookings to become unselectable
  • Fixed a bug where time tracking stayed enabled when a service was changed to Actuals – Piece
  • Fixed styling issues for buttons with dropdown menus
  • Fixed a bug where marking a section or row for deleting wouldn’t enable the Save button
  • Time entry should now always display Deal/Budget name: Service name when listing time entries
  • Change redirect link after connecting Google integration
  • Fixed a bug where edit button for office 365 integration would connect again

14 Dec 2022

New Features

  • Added a possibility to decide if the duplicated recurring budget will still be recurring

Beta Features

  • Removed unnecessary line when there are no time entry suggestions
  • Booking popover can now show previous activities on that booking
  • Remove access to other people’s time entries for time Staff roles
  • New service picker on new booking in Scheduling
  • Moved the Overhead cost add-on to Overhead settings
  • Added Slack and mobile as options to Notifications
  • Hubspot integration can now be connected to Productive

Bugs Fixed

  • Red heart emoji should now display correctly ❤️
  • Private tasks can’t be set as subtasks when dragging tasks in list layout
  • Removed internal error showing in date picker
  • Remove tasks on archived task lists and boards when in bulk change of a parent task or selecting a task dependency
  • Fixed display issue with having a long To-Do displayed in a dashboard widget
  • Fixed invoice search when adding payments
  • Fixed setting time to 12am when setting 12pm in Pulse form
  • Links in Deal header would sometimes cause app to fail
  • Dashboard picker will no longer stretch when a Dashboard has a long name
  • Fixed a bug where a Budget was listed as a Deal in an inbox notification
  • Fixed an issue causing Company screen to break sometimes when refreshing the app

7 Dec 2022

New Features

  • Actions from the header on budget, deal and job screens have been moved to the sidebar
  • Add flash message on modal for deactivating user regarding seats in subscription
  • Dashboards can now be quickly switched by a picker in the dashboard header
  • Display modal with error message when connecting integration responded with 422 error


  • Add widget info popup when editing a widget
  • Due date on tasks in list layout can now be removed inline
  • Add person to subscribers on a task when mentioning them in a comment
  • Enable grouping of docs by projects
  • When setting parent task to the task update task’s task list
  • Workflow statuses in project sidebar are now sorted
  • Improve information shown in the feed when adding a comment to a doc

Beta Features

  • Allowed users to bulk extend bookings
  • Resolved discussions can be shown separately in Docs
  • Added toggle for booking tracking in the services table
  • Documents can now be created using the quick add menu in the main sidebar
  • Allowed users to bulk delete bookings on scheduling calendar
  • Implemented a settings page for configuring payment reminder sequences
  • Jobs check for unapproved or rejected time entries and for recurring deal when moving to delivered state
  • Custom role permissions are now integrated for entitlements
  • Pipeline picker is now in line with view setup views picker
  • Sales closed on date field has contextualised labels

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix for written-off amount bar length & left to pay percentage on invoice
  • Fixed various validation issues on booking form which occurred when editing or creating bookings
  • Fixed search for role switcher dropdown in impersonate mode
  • Fixed position of role switcher popover in impersonate mode
  • Fixed a bug when canceling changes on a report wouldn’t show the names of selected options in dropdown fields
  • Fixed a bug when trying to toggle notification settings sometimes wouldn’t work
  • Duplicate from last working day on day view in time tracking is disabled if user has autotracking turned on
  • Description of staff with time role access abilities is now more precise
  • Fixed an issue causing repetitive draft comment updates
  • Grouping service report by section now allows grouped data preview
  • Creating project from template will now prefill project color
  • The project manager group will no longer be available in the sharing modal on the dashboard
  • Contacts no longer show a broken role underneath their names
  • Pipelines can exists in setting with 0 stages
  • Disable selecting already selected tasks as parent tasks when editing parent task in bulk
  • Prevented accidental closing of popup during discussion creation
  • Fixed requested time off time on approvals screen when half-day or full day is requested
  • Selecting end date in date pickers should now work as intended
  • Fixed a bug where every service was listed in service filter instead of only the ones from the current deal
  • Admins can now update sample data

30 Nov 2022

New Features

  • Users will now be navigated to Budget > Time tab if they try to deliver a undeliverable budget
  • Separated the tracking controls in the service table to their own column 


  • Booking popover on Scheduling has a new look
  • A warning message will now be shown when creating a Widget from a report
  • Currently active Task will now be highlighted in the table view

Beta Features

  • Add message from previous day option to empty state on day view in Time tracking

Bugs Fixed

  • Archive icon in inbox will now show correctly
  • Fix for reverting of invoice finalisation status
  • Show correct custom fields in project sidebar when opening and closing a task

23 Nov 2022 ⚽️

New Features

  • Service relationship fields are now available on the Time report
  • Manager can’t assign a role of a profitability manager to a new or existing user
  • Managers with restricted access can’t grant unrestricted access to new or existing users
  • Add “payment terms” field, filter and sort on Companies table
  • Added filters for fetching services for specific modules


  • Search will be initially focused when opening App Marketplace
  • Update messages in Activity Feed when sharing a Dashboard
  • Update value of “started at” field on a Time entry when starting a timer
  • Widgets showing metrics chart will no longer show the label describing the value
  • Widget will now be in the centre of the screen when editing it
  • Admins can see date when the flag is created

Beta Features

  • Fixed the wrong cost value in header tooltips for the service table
  • User can move page to another Doc
  • Hubspot integration card added to marketplace
  • Jobs can use both deal and budget document templates
  • Stage settings have delivered status
  • Integrated custom role permissions for cost rates
  • Billing history is now visible again for enterprise plans
  • When inline editing workflow statuses, the status options are now sorted by position
  • Fixed connecting accounting integrations when a company can’t use multiple subsidiaries
  • Relationship fields are visible if Show items is turned on

Bugs Fixed

  • Widened service picker on timesheet
  • Allowed users to sort deals by custom fields in the Board view
  • Updated the colour of the icon on placeholder bookings to match the color in the settings
  • Now maintenance message will be shown to the user as long as maintenace duration is set
  • Formatted the job pipeline change message in activities
  • Fixed an issue causing saved report to disappear from reports list
  • Filtering by project total time will now filter only by open budgets
  • Updated description for the 2FA security setting
  • Fixed a bug when adding a non billable expense to have billable values
  • Fixed which budgets are filtered on the recurring chart
  • Archived rate cards cannot be selected anymore in add rates to budget modal

16 Nov 2022

New Features

  • Time Entry reports now have a Date Ended field
  • Rate Cards can now be filtered by status, time created and name
  • Hide Invoicing Settings card if the add-on is disabled
  • Added CharlieHR integration on marketplace
  • Bulk selecting and editing of Bookings in Scheduling is now possible
  • Allowed the user to choose whether the purchase order number will be copied when recurring


  • Updated link on the App Marketplace home page so user would be navigated to the App Marketplace section in the Help center
  • Project Managers are set by default in sharing Memberships when creating a new project Doc
  • Improved flow for editing privacy on Tasks using bulk editor
  • Added tooltip with an explanation on the badge showing user’s permission level in a Doc
  • Revert changes when activating the same, already active view
  • Total scheduled time is now visible in Services report
  • Non-manager users can’t see other user’s roles

Beta Features

  • Repositioning of restricted widgets should now work correctly
  • Project Templates are now part of the Beta program
  • Docs discussions can now overlap
  • New Docs are saved only when title is entered & enabled page navigation with unsaved changes
  • Added All pipelines option to pipeline picker

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed rate cards filter style & jumping filters issue
  • Filtering by overdue status in list and board view should now work correctly
  • When there are no active task lists, the option to switch from lists to workflows is hidden
  • Deactivated and archived users are now crossed out on company time screen
  • Timesheet view in Time now shows correct time when having a time entry with running timer
  • Remove “include subtasks” checkbox on the time to complete field on a task
  • Fixed an issue causing the cursor to jump to the beginning in the comment form
  • Fix showing upload progress when attaching attachments to a comment
  • Disable joining and leaving archived projects
  • Subtasks should now be correctly shown below parent tasks in list layout
  • Click on a task in a timeline layout will now always open that task
  • Jobs in board view will refresh correctly
  • Fixed an issue causing the scheduling sidebar to break with dropdown custom field values
  • Fix saving changes when moving tasks in calendar layout after creating another new task
  • Duplicating a Budget will now make it appear in the budget table

9 Nov 2022

New Features

  • New wording added and updated data when showing the last activity on a booking
  • Chosen filters will now be saved for the Invoices tab on a Budget
  • Enable creating multiple Tasks by pasting multiline text form on Task lists 


  • Comment will be marked as hidden when quoting an already hidden comment in a Task
  • All data table cells are now aligned to top
  • Rate card table has been updated with new columns (Unit, Billing Type, Total)
  • When creating a Project from a Template or another Project directly on a Company, the Company name gets pre-filled.
  • Payment date can now be imported on Expenses via Data Import

Beta Features

  • Added Custom Fields to Jobs 
  • New Marketplace integration: Breathe HR
  • Enable adding new fields to reports on widgets in Dashboard
  • Pipelines and Stages are reorderable in Settings
  • Introduced a new flag which enables Rates as a data source in Reports
  • Pinned services on recurring Budgets will now be resolved to show the active one

Bugs Fixed

  • Left for Invoicing now doesn’t take into account any invoice attribution amounts for Draft Invoices
  • Correctly interpret values with AM and PM suffixes when entering time on a time entry
  • Changed the wording on some change items in Jobs feed
  • Fixed an issue that prevented editing Contacts
  • Fix showing time tab in Tasks when switching the Task to a private one
  • Recent Budgets list will now show the Budget name with suffix if it exists
  • Remove the project management label in projects sidebar popup

2 Nov 2022

New Features

  • Docs (BETA) will now show user’s permission level
  • Parent task can now be changed when selecting tasks
  • Added Factorial integration to the App Marketplace
  • Currently active task will now be highlighted in Tasks views
  • A time entry without a project will now have a label to indicate that
  • Added a list of recent budgets in the sidebar for quick access


  • Tasks lists are now grouped by boards when changing tasks’ task list
  • Fields will now show when editing widget
  • Canceling changes in task’s description form will now raise an alert
  • Jira integration widget is now a feature (un)available depending on the subscription plan
  • The remaining budget progress line will now show a yellow warning color if it’s under 20%

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed realtime rebasing on Docs (BETA)
  • Fixed the wrong marked up price rate being shown
  • Hide the whole approval section in service sidebar if no tracking addon is enabled
  • Fix for displaying bill to and bill from data on credit note exported files
  • Fixed a bug asking for confirming changes, even though nothing changed
  • The time approval toggle button in services will not show if the addon is disabled
  • Fixed the message that restricted tracking is not included in the pricing plan (in the budget sidebar), even though it is
  • Time manager roles will now by default see the profitability tab which only lists the worked/estimated time
  • Fixed an issue causing the first created service on internal budgets to be actuals type
  • Removed the service quick actions in the deals table

31 Oct 2022 🎃


  • Import data of more than 1000 items will now render an error message
  • Tasks can now be filtered by a parent task
  • Billing type filter is now available on capacity and availability report

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix for invoice numbering scheme link not redirecting to invoicing settings
  • Change the visibility options for the conflict resolver settings so only the admin can see them
  • Tasks in time entry form will now reset when changing time entry’s project
  • Saving custom fields in project sidebar should now work correctly
  • Email icon should now show correctly
  • Popup for time to complete on a task should now show correctly
  • Fix for tracking the user’s marketplace card opening
  • Stage picker icon on add new jobs modal is displaying correctly in Safari as well

26 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Track how many times and which integrations have been requested
  • Added the Full company name field to the Company and Financial reports
  • A confirmation will now be required when a user tries to delete multiple budgets at once
  • Fix layout for marketplace on mobile resolution
  • Disabled editing archived contacts


  • Actions in Docs (Beta) now have consistent style

Beta Features

  • Actions for showing archived task lists and boards will now always show in the project sidebar
  • Added restricted tracking to Premium pricing plan
  • Fixed a bug where the user could select the service that wasn’t assigned to them on time entry form
  • When selecting a service, the ones in the pipeline stage where the time tracking is disabled will not be shown in the dropdown
  • Rate cards can now be archived and restored
  • Hidden unnecessary features and improved styling on project templates

Bugs Fixed

  • Newly created subtask should have the same subscribers as a parent task
  • Downloading attachment in desktop app should now work correctly
  • Fixed date arrows on day view on company time
  • Fixed a bug where grouping by deal status in Jobs (Beta) caused to show all deal statuses, instead of the ones in the selected pipeline
  • Updated the job stage filter to only show stages from the selected pipeline
  • Fixed a bug where services would appear in random sections after reordering
  • Service types delete will merge all relations to another service type
  • Fixed an issue causing total rows count in scheduling calendar not to be displayed
  • Fixed type error for saving company info
  • Fixed a bug where editing and adding placeholders wasn’t working

24 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Task lists can now be changed in bulk
  • Markups are now supported on Rate cards
  • When creating a new project, now you can immediately enable time tracking on Tasks


  • Select multiple items in List and Board view using the shift key
  • Search in Reports and Widgets is now initially focused

Beta Features

  • Pipeline picker now has the the current selection expanded in advance
  • Time entries from the previous day can be copied over

Bugs Fixed

  • Field for updating task on time entry should now show the correct value
  • Fixed an issue preventing from editing deal date
  • Fixed an error caused by attempting to edit billing details of a company via deal
  • Fixed a bug where a checkbox was visible when creating a new custom field, but didn’t affect anything
  • Fixed an issue that did not allow submitting service deletion with shortcut keys

17 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Custom date fields can now be bulk edited
  • Added the Full company name field to the invoices report
  • The service table in the budget screen now supports multiple people assigned to a service, instead of just one


  • Moved BambooHR Integration to Premium plan
  • Added credit note to beta program
  • Added tooltips for disabled document type & subsidiary fields on invoice
  • Added Project ID field to Company expenses table

Beta Features

  • Added marketplace on beta program

Bugs Fixed

  • Creating a time entry from deal now allows selecting only services from that deal
  • Fixed a bug with the time to complete popover not showing
  • Service field will now be disabled in expense from when budget is not selected
  • Event information on the scheduling calendar now shows minutes and hours instead of rounding up hours 

13 Oct 2022

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed bug for broken new subsidiary modal
  • Fixed bug for Jira widget login issues

12 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Deal status will be automatically deleted after merging (instead of archiving)


  • Payment terms moved from settings/general to settings/invoicing
  • Changed the icon for uploading files
  • Managers are no longer able to create new entitlements

Beta Features

  • Categories and templates in widget library are now sorted
  • Jobs can be picked as a data source in reports
  • Time entry suggestions now have a refreshed design with an ability to pin services
  • Sending invoices via email is now done from a dedicated sub-domain to prevent blacklisting
  • Custom fields will now appear in the form when creating a new deal
  • Added Integration to Marketplace
  • Users without edit rights on docs won’t be able to see editor toolbar
  • Enable resize of columns in tables on the dashboard when in view modeImprove resize and reposition of widgets over areas where deleted widgets used to be positioned

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where a required custom field could be cleared
  • Autotracking icon in person header now has same styling as other icons in the header
  • Set tooltip on all accounting integrations buttons when all subsidiaries are connected
  • Duplicating rate cards with an archived service type doesn’t throw an error anymore
  • Fixed a bug when deleting a pipeline stage
  • Fixed a bug where cancelling a booking conflict modal caused it to be approved
  • Fixed the bug where you couldn’t create a new service type within services table
  • Disable double clicking when connecting accounting integration
  • Disable highlight categories from users with time tracker role
  • Fixed an issue preventing users/admins from updating their/others profile information
  • Creating pulse when saving project report should now work as intended
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from editing their own profile data
  • Resolve issue with not displaying page content in Safari
  • Shared dashboards will now be displayed in the sidebar list

10 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Prevent closing sidebar for editing widget if edit form has unsubmitted changes
  • Disable adding widgets from reports for users without access to reports

Bugs Fixed

  • Zero values are now correctly displayed in data tables
  • Creating a new booking report from scratch will now have a default status filter
  • Reduced font size of select field error message
  • Now when filtering tasks or deals label subscriber is changed to subscribers

5 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Administrators are now able to update user’s profile and enabled editing user’s mail if invitation is not accepted yet


  • Moved BambooHR Integration to Premium plan
  • Added credit note to beta program
  • Added tooltips for disabled document type & subsidiary fields on invoice
  • Added Project ID field to Company expenses table

Beta Features

  • Added marketplace on beta program

Bugs Fixed

  • Creating a time entry from deal now allows selecting only services from that deal
  • Fixed a bug with the time to complete popover not showing
  • Service field will now be disabled in expense from when budget is not selected
  • Event information on the scheduling calendar now shows minutes and hours instead of rounding up hours 

3 Oct 2022

New Features

  • Now user can filter tasks by subscribers
  • Added required custom fields as a feature to subscriptions
  • Added a status filter on the time entry tab in the budget screen
  • Users are now able to filter multiple people on the payroll report


  • Hide sales category from marketplace
  • “Left to schedule” field on service reports can now be sorted and filtered

Beta Features

  • It’s now possible to update an invoice that was already exported to the QuickBooks accounting tool

Bugs Fixed

  • Removed the Set as required field in the custom fields wizard for some entities
  • Fix for wrong banner color of custom fields library
  • Payroll reports month picker now has an updated design
  • The cancel button will now properly reset filters and data when editing a report

28 Sep 2022

New Features

  • Users can filter deals, budgets & jobs by subscribers
  • Filter settings on the expenses tab will now be remembered even after refreshing the page
  • Set a badge that will indicate that certain integrations are free until the marketplace is in BETA
  • Added sort pop-up control to reports
  • The main settings page now has the search field auto-focused on desktop devices
  • Removed the ability to edit the budget start and end dates for client roles
  • Add total count label to reports when not grouped


  • Export to accounting tool always enabled for draft invoices & credit notes

Beta Features

  • Added a task field on the time entry form on Day View
  • Duplicating time entry now copies time and note as well as service

Bugs Fixed

  • Shift + Enter now enables adding a new line to the to-do
  • When creating a to-do, pressing Enter no longer adds unnecessary new line
  • Make invoice subscribers editable
  • The expense form in the modal will no longer have an expanded accordion section initially
  • When creating a new task, custom fields will no longer prefill with the previous task’s values

26 Sep 2022

New Features

  • Adjusted which notifications the client manager roles see
  • The Appears in Add and Edit modals custom fields functionality will now work
  • CPP integration on the marketplace
  • Added People and Companies sections in notifications settings
  • Set background color on integration item and set icons for integration’s connection status

Beta Features

  • Enabled credit note export to QuickBooks

Bugs Fixed

  • Won date can now only be set after deal’s start date
  • Tax per line item removed from proposal & budget document editor
  • Resend invitation button styling fix
  • Used a better background image for the marketplace banner and aligned button with integration title
  • Hide services with disabled time tracking on the calendar layout

14 Sep 2022

New Features

  • Set a button in the upper-right corner of the marketplace fly-out modal for creating and connecting integration
  • Add filtering by task number on tasks


  • The general settings page now links to a help article explaining the financial number precision setting
  • Attempting to close the budget with unapproved entries will now prompt with a link to a time entry report showing those entries

Beta Features

  • Redesign toolbar for editing text in docs

Bugs Fixed

  • Time entries will no longer duplicate when confirming suggestion
  • Update message for next time-tracking locking date
  • Added sticky table header on reports

12 Sep 2022

New Features

  • Add option to change subtask’s parent task from the list of subtasks


  • Quick add popover now resets when closing
  • Update warning copy in form for custom fields on tasks

Beta Features

  • Deleting pipelines now requires a stage merge
  • Create a new project using a template
  • Budget services are now editable via section table columns
  • Currency picker is now available on the financial items report

Bugs Fixed

  • Creating a new project from the won deal now creates a board and task list
  • Removed an empty popup over the copy to button
  • Graph values are now visible when overriding report currency value
  • Saving the creator filter in doc views should now work correctly
  • When adding project members to an internal project, deactivated users will no longer be offered
  • Values of custom fields should no longer overflow on items in board view
  • Hide the flow section for Slack on the personal integrations page
  • Duplicating a time entry no longer copies time
  • Fixed an issue causing custom field validations to conflict with deal settings in sidebar

5 Sep 2022

New Features

  • Now routes and main navbar title are not admin but backoffice
  • Added a tooltip to the financial numbers precision option 


  • In backoffice plans, page features now have a description tooltip
  • People, teams, and dynamic groups in sharing modal are now sorted
  • Clarify the explanation for tasks that repeat on the last day of the month

Beta Features

  • Pipeline stages are now ordered by both pipeline position and position
  • Pipelines in the main navigation are sorted by position
  • Pipelines can be searched in the pipeline picker

Bugs Fixed

  • Closed tasks now have a strikethrough effect in mentions
  • Disable inline creation of a new task list for client roles
  • Fixed an issue causing deal sidebar data not to be reevaluated when navigating between deals
  • Updated the tooltip for tasks in the numbering scheme settings
  • Disabled the expense adding button instead of hiding it in the budget screen
  • Quantity on the services table will now get updated when the unit is a piece