Here you can find all our policies on compliance and how we process your data. If you have any questions, write to us at

How Productive Assists Its Customers With California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance 

Productive is committed to helping its Customers and Users understand and exercise their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). 
Subject to certain limitations, the CCPA provides California consumers the right to:

Request to know more details about the categories or specific personal information that Productive collects as a service provider

Delete consumers’ personal information

Opt out of any “sales” that may be occurring (Note: Productive never sells its customer data)

Not be discriminated against for exercising these rights.

On this page, we clarify Productive’s obligations and role regarding the CCPA. We also provide our customers with information to help them meet their CCPA compliance needs.

Identifying the Data Controller and Processor

When we refer to “Productive”, we mean the entity that acts as the controller or processor of your information as a Customer. In certain jurisdictions, data protection law differentiates the “controller” and “processor” of information. 


the Customer is the controller of Customer Data

Productive is the processor of Customer Data and the controller of “Other Information”. 

The Productive Company, Inc. is the controller of Other Information and a processor of Customer Data related to Users of Organizations established for Customers. The Productive entity that provides the Services is The Productive Company, Inc., a Delaware-based company. 

Our Privacy Policy applies to Productive’s business management platform, including the associated Productive mobile and desktop applications (collectively, the “Services”), and other websites (collectively, the “Websites”), and other interactions (e.g. customer service inquiries, User conferences, etc.) you may have with Productive.

What Types of Personal Information Does Productive Collect?

Productive collects Customer information for business and commercial purposes described in the How We Use Information section of our Privacy Policy. Productive defines data under two categories: Customer Data and Other Information.

Customer data is collected on behalf of your Organization Owner. Customer Data includes any content submitted to Productive. According to our Privacy Policy, Productive is the processor (service provider) of Customer Data and the Customer is the controller of Customer Data. 

Productive is the controller of Other Information. Other Information is the data that Productive collects, generates and/or receives when Customers use Productive’s services. Other Information includes related or other supplementary data that Productive collects while a Customer is using our services. Productive uses Other Information to progress in operating and developing our services. 

Please consult with your Organization Owner for specific categories of personal information related to the Customer Data in your Organization that the Customer may collect, maintain, or disclose. If you’re not sure who the Owner of your Organization in Productive is, visit the Settings page in Productive. If you’re not a member of an Organization anymore, send us a note at and in it, and please include:

your Organization’s name

the email address associated with your Productive account

Customers determine their own policies and practices for the sharing and disclosure of Information, and Productive does not control how they or any other third parties choose to share or disclose Information.

Productive does not sell the personal information we collect and Productive will not sell Customer information.

Note: Productive uses cookies and similar technologies in our Websites and Services that help us collect Other Information. You can find out how Productive uses Other Information more specifically in our Cookie Policy.

For any specific categories of Other Information collected and controlled by Productive, please revisit our Privacy Policy or contact us at

How Productive Complies With the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Productive complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) by supporting our Customers’ CCPA compliance. As a business management platform, Productive is primarily a service provider under the CCPA. To help Productive Customers meet their CCPA compliance obligations, we offer several data management options, listed below.

1. Import and Export of Customer Data in Productive

Similar to other business management platforms and tools, Productive Customers may need or legally be required to export or import their Customer data from or into Productive. However, Customers can do so only under limited circumstances. 

As a Customer, you can access, import, and export your data by: 

visiting your Organization setting options in Productive

contacting Productive’s team at 


Productive uses a tailored approach and works with Customers from the start of their subscription and onboarding to prepare and import data from virtually any tool. We can pull content from any of the following sources for our Customers:

another Productive Organization

preformatted CSV templates

Note: In Productive, data import options depend on the plan the Customer purchases, visible on our Pricing Page. Certain subscription models may be subject to additional service fees. 


Productive Customers can export content only under limited circumstances.

A few examples in which a Customer may need to export content: 

In case a company receives a harassment report or theft of trade secrets and needs to conduct an investigation

In case a court order mandates that information from Productive must be disclosed due to a lawsuit or investigation 

In case a financial services business is required to archive certain communications for a period of time

In case a former employee within an Organization in Productive requests to be provided with a copy of the information their former employer retained about them (as required by the European Union’s GDPR)

In case the Organization is unsubscribing from Productive

To get a full data export, an Organization Owner must contact Productive at and request a full content export from the Organization. 

2. Organization Settings in Productive

The Organization Settings page in Productive allows you to see your Organization’s subscription and account settings or contact the Owner who controls the Organization. 
The Organization Settings page in Productive keeps all your organizational-level settings in one place. Each Organization in Productive has a unique Owner, different from Administrators which an account can have more than one of. In the Ownership settings, among other options, the Organization Owner can:

transfer account ownership to a different person 

deactivate an account

To learn how you can change the ownership of your Organization or deactivate your account, visit this page.

3. Deleting an Organization or Deleting User Data in Productive

As a business management platform, Productive has two kinds of relationships:

1. Productive <—> Customer (e.g. marketing agency) — an Organization using Productive

2. Productive <—> User (e.g. John Doe) — a User that has a login to Productive

Everything a Customer does in its Organization in Productive is considered the Customer’s data (e.g. projects, budgets, contacts, emails). The data is owned by the Organization. The Organization i.e. Customer is the controller of that data, meaning that the Organization fully manages it. 

The relationship between Productive and a User begins by the User getting invited to Productive. In this case, Productive is the data controller and we are responsible for the User’s personal data. We provide individual Users an option to delete their accounts and data upon request if they decide to leave Productive (see how below).

The relationship between the Customer and the User is defined by a mutual agreement (contract) unrelated to the use of Productive. In case a former User of a Productive Organization requests the deletion of their personal data, the User data will (upon deletion of the profile) still remain visible to the Organization. This is because the User-generated data is the property of the Organization. 

The use and request for full deletion of User data is to be handled between the Organization (employer) and the User (employee). To do this, an Organization Owner in Productive can contact Productive at and request to delete a User’s personal information.

What is considered a User’s personal data in Productive Organizations?

Display name (full name) of a User

Profile picture of a User

Email address of a User

Job title of a User

The User’s time zone

What content is not considered personal data and will not be deleted as part of a request to remove a User’s personal information?

Any data that the User generated on behalf of the Organization they belong to

For example:

Projects or tasks that the User created

Files or attachments uploaded to tasks

Time entries created by the User

Any comments written by the User within Productive

Typically, there are three types of requests for data deletion:

1. Organization Owners Contacting Productive to Delete an Organization 

Productive provides the option of deleting all data from your Organization on request. If an Organization decides to leave Productive, the Organization Owner can request the complete deletion of all business data by sending us an email at 

2. Organization Users: Contacting An Organization Owner or Productive to Delete User Data

Depending on whether or not you still have access to your Organization as a User, you have two options for submitting your profile deletion request.

1. Contact your Organization Owner

Ask your Organization Owner to delete your profile information

The Organization Owner will contact us at

Upon the Organization Owner’s request, we will remove your name, email address, and other unique identifiers from Productive’s database

2. Contact Productive Directly

If you’re unable to get in touch with the Organization Owner, we can help with forwarding your request. Send us a note at and we’ll forward your request to the Organization Owner. In your email to us, please include:

your Organization’s URL

the email address associated with your Productive account

As soon as your request has been confirmed by the Organization Owner, Productive will remove your name, email address, and other unique identifiers from its database.

How Does Productive Fulfil Its Obligations as a Processor or Service Provider Under the CCPA? 

Productive offers its Customers a US-specific Data Processing Addendum in addition to the Customer terms of service or any master subscription agreement. Productive’s Addendum entails the obligations and requirements set out by the CCPA. 

As a service provider, Productive can assist Customers in their compliance with the CCPA. For example, Productive will forward User requests for information related to Customer Data and any requests Productive receives for deleting User profiles directly to the Customer.

If you have questions specific to our Data Processing Addendum, please contact our Data Protection Officer Jan Varljen at However, please note that the terms of our DPA are non-negotiable.

How Do I Exercise My Consumer Rights Under the CCPA?

Right to Know

Subject to certain limitations, the CCPA provides California consumers the right to request to know more details about the categories or specific pieces of personal information Productive collects. To make such a request, please contact us at

Note: Productive is the controller of Other Information, as defined above. For Customer Data requests, please ask your Organization Owner. If you’re not sure who the Owner of your Organization in Productive is, visit the Settings page in Productive. If you’re not a member of an Organization anymore, send us a note at and in it, and please include:

your Organization’s name

the email address associated with your Productive account

Sale of Personal Information

Productive does not sell personal information and will not sell personal information, as defined in the CCPA.

How Productive’s Verification Process Works

Productive takes all reasonable precautions to verify your identity in connection with fulfilling its responsibilities under the CCPA. We evaluate each request based on the individual submitting the request and the category of data related to the request (Customer Data or Other Information), and verification steps may vary. 

If you’re an Organization Owner requesting Customer Data or deletion of information, we will verify your identity before processing the request.

If you’re a User within a Productive Organization and you’re requesting access to or deletion of Customer Data, we will forward your request to your Organization Owner to verify the request.

In case you’re a User within a Productive Organization or Owner of a Productive Organization requesting Other Information, we will verify your identity based on the nature of your request.

In case you are an active Productive User, you can verify within your own password-protected Productive Organization.

In case you are a former User of Productive or just a website visitor, contact us and we will use Other Information to verify you.  

To begin the verification process, contact us at and our team will take you through the process from there.

Who Can I Contact for Additional CCPA-Related Questions?

California consumers may make a request following their rights under the CCPA. You can do this by contacting Productive at Productive will verify your request using the information associated with your account in the shortest possible time frame (government identification may be required). Consumers can also designate an authorized agent to exercise your rights on their behalf.

For additional CCPA related inquiries, please contact our Data Protection Officer, Jan Varljen at

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