Upcoming Features
& Improvements
We ship over 300 updates and improvements yearly
—and we don’t plan on stopping. Take a look at what’s next.
Upcoming Features & Improvements
We ship over 300 updates and improvements yearly—and we don’t plan on stopping. Take a look at what’s next.
In progress
Use Productive in German, Spanish or French
¡Hola, Hallo, Bonjour! Soon, Productive will speak your language.
Create surveys, collect responses, and automatically create Tasks based on answers.
Add Tables and Image to Task Description
Add tables and images directly into task description field for more context.
AI Filters
Ask AI instead of using manual filters.
Peppol Integration
Send e-invoices via Peppol network.
Custom Categories for Uploaded Files
Define a category (e.g. Work Agreement) and upload files.
Templates in Docs
Save a Doc as a template in the Template center.
Draft Timesheets
Employees will be able to create “draft” time entries and submit their daily/weekly time entries for approval.
Lock Financial Month
Option to lock past months in terms of financial data to preserve integrity.
Schedule Multiple People in Bulk
Assign bookings to multiple people in one step.
Export Invoices in Bulk to Accounting Tools
Export multiple invoices to accounting tools.
Budgets and Deals Layout in Resourcing
View your resource bookings grouped by deals and budgets.
Week View in Resourcing
Zoom out and view your schedule in broader weekly overviews.
Accept Client Proposals
Approve and sign client proposals.
Email Proposal to Clients
Send proposals from deals directly to client contact via email through Productive.
Define Overhead Cost For Each Subsidiary
Overhead calculations can now be calculated for each subsidiary.
Tax Amount For Expenses
Apply tax rates on expenses.
Time and Expenses Approval Policies
Set up approval policies time entries and expenses.
Bi-Weekly Cost Rate Capacity
Enable custom capacity adjustments for employees on bi-weekly basis.
Automatic Reports for Teams
Set up an automatic report that your whole team will receive.
SCIM: Automatic User Provisioning
Automatic user provisioning, edit and deprovisioning via user ID management system.
Static Targets in Reports
Add static targets and track progress with ease.
Global Automations
Set one automation and run it on all projects.
Webhook Automations
Send real-time data to external services.
Gmail Integration
Connect your Gmail account with Productive.
Weekly Granulation in Resourcing
Zoom out and view your schedule in broader weekly overviews.
Deal Template
Create a Deal and save it as a template in Productive Template center.
Remote Work Management
Create a remote work category to distinguish who’s working from remotely, and who in the office.

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