Upcoming Features & Improvements

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Submit and manage work requests, create Tasks after filling out a form.

Add Tables and Image to Task Description

Add tables and images directly into task description field for more context.

Reorder Custom Fields

Easily rearrange and reposition custom fields.

Multiple Custom Domains

Define a custom domain for each subsidiary.

Bill Report

Create a report for bills from purchase orders.

Templates in Docs

Save a Doc as a template in the Template center.

Draft Timesheets

Employees will be able to create “draft” time entries and submit their daily/weekly time entries for approval.

Lock Financial Month

Option to lock past months in terms of financial data to preserve integrity. 


Budgets and Deals Layout in Resourcing

View your resource bookings grouped by deals and budgets for clearer resource management and insights

Export Invoices in Bulk to Accounting Tools

Export multiple invoices to accounting tools.

Static Targets in Reports

Add static targets and track progress with ease.

Schedule Multiple People in Bulk

Assignin bookings to multiple people in one step.

Weekly Granulation in Resourcing

Zoom out and view your schedule in broader weekly overviews.

Deal Template

Create a Deal and save it as a template in Productive Template center.

Email Proposal to Clients

Send proposals from deals directly to client contact via email through Productive.

Accept/Approve Proposal

Accept or approve the proposal from clients.

Alerts for Budget and Services

Set up alerts on a budget or a service.

Share Folders with Others

Share a folder in a project with a person or a team.

Budget Overview

Overview tab in specific budget that contains dashboard and widgets.

Automated Invoicing

Invoice retainer budgets automatically.

Proposal Builder

Build high-quality quotes/proposals directly from Productive, embed pricing tables and autogenerate PDFs.

Duplicate Expenses

Duplicate expense forms in one click.

Time and Expenses Approval Policies

Set up approval policies for budgets which allow you to set up different time and expense approvers

Bi-Weekly Cost Rate Capacity

Enable custom capacity adjustments for employees on bi-weekly basis.

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