Get Greater Visibility Into Business Data

See real-time business insights from utilization to profitability using Dashboards. Choose the KPIs you want to watch.

Monitor Key Metrics In Real Time

One glance at Dashboards instantly tells you if something needs your attention. Keep an eye on KPIs such as:

  • Unpaid invoices
  • Profit margins
  • Utilization rates

Create Multiple Dashboards

Focus on the data that’s most important to you. Create separate groups of widgets for different departments, teams, clients, projects and more.

Start Smart With 50+ Prebuilt Widgets

Choose from a series of prebuilt widgets or effortlessly create your own from scratch in just a few clicks.

Build Custom Dashboards That Fit the Way You Work

Watch the webinar to discover how easy it is to create and customize Dashboards.

Optimize Operations With Productive

Switch from multiple tools and spreadsheets to
one scalable professional services platform.

Free 14-day trial. Cancel anytime.