Get Full Control of All Your Budgets in One Place

Create custom budgets with flexible pricing models. Log time and expenses to track both budget spend and profit in real time, and see amounts left for invoicing in real time.

Powerful Budget Management

Efficiently build and manage any kind of budget—be it fixed price, hourly, with or without third-party expenses.

Flexible Billing Types

Fixed price, time & materials or non-billable work? Easily build out and manage both one-off budgets and retainers.

Use Different Rate Cards for Different Clients

Quickly build budgets by importing your default or client specific rate cards.

Manage Complex Projects In Multiple Phases

When you have large, long-term projects, make things easier by splitting budgets up into separate phases.

Optimize Operations With Productive

Switch from multiple tools and spreadsheets to
one scalable professional services platform.

Free 14-day trial. Cancel anytime.

Budget Tracking and

Make informed decisions with key metrics in real time.

See When a Project Will Run Out of Money

Forecast budget overruns and switch to the Profitability view to see not only budget spend but also future profit margins.

Prevent Budget Overruns with Automated Warnings

You could burn 70% of an estimated budget and not know it. To prevent that from happening, set up custom alerts in Productive.

Real-Time Profitability Tracking

Check the state of your budgets and how profitable your projects are. Don’t wait a month for reports.

Time Is Money. We Show You Where It’s Going

As people track billable and non-billable time against services, costs are automatically displayed in reports.

Manage External Costs
With Purchase Orders

Create purchase orders to request third-party services from your suppliers. Send purchase orders directly from Productive and track their status.

Quickly Approve Expenses

Streamline third-party expense management by either easily adding expenses manually or approving expenses submitted by your team.

Optimize Operations With Productive

Switch from multiple tools and spreadsheets to
one scalable professional services platform.

Free 14-day trial. Cancel anytime.

Achieve Your Agency’s
True Potential

Switch from multiple tools and spreadsheets to one scalable agency management system.

Book a demo

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