Productive Updates September: New Sharing Options, Tax Rates, Champions

Stjepan Šandor

October 10, 2024

As the fall season approaches, we’re continuing to roll out exciting new features and improvements for Productive.

From enhanced employee management to customizable tax rates and new permissions, we’ve been busy refining the app to better support your needs. Let’s dive into what’s new this month!

Tax Rates

You can now create and manage multiple tax rates for your services, allowing you to build a fully custom tax codebook. This is especially useful if you:

  • Work with clients that require different or no tax rates (e.g., government organizations, non-profits).
  • Have subsidiaries in different locations with separate tax rates.
  • Want to reduce costly errors when creating invoices.
  • Aim to generate better revenue reports and ensure compliance.

Learn more about tax rates in this article.

Share Views on Deals, Budgets, and Resourcing

Configuring a View is the best way to organize what you want to see in Productive, whether it’s related to Tasks, Deals, Budgets, or Resourcing. In addition to sharing Task Views with teammates and specific individuals, you can now do the same with Deals, Budgets, and Resourcing. You can also define two layers of permission for each View, either View-only or full access.

Learn how to configure Views here.

New in Resourcing: Enhanced Employee Management, New Permissions

Let’s start with the changes in navigation: you’ll now find all of your teammates under the Resourcing dropdown in the main navigation.

Once you click on an employee’s profile, you’ll see a completely new Info section where you’ll find contact details and employee fields.

Speaking of employee fields, you can now add specific information about the teammate in question, something that was previously covered by Custom Fields. Don’t worry, if you were using Custom Fields, we’ve migrated them for you.

Finally, we’ve added new permissions for Time Off bookings, which can be found in Settings > Permission Sets.

New on Tasks: Task List Durations on Gantt Charts

If you’re using Gantt charts for projects, you’ll now see lines representing the duration of all tasks in a list. This is particularly useful for shorter-duration lists, such as sprints lasting several weeks, as it allows you to zoom out and see how long each section will take.

The description field on Tasks has also been improved with a new floating toolbar, which will soon allow us to integrate AI functionality.

Lastly, we’ve added start date reminders for tasks as email notifications. Now, both the start and end of a Task will be bundled into one email.

Organization Champions

You can now designate Organization Champions—people in your agency who specialize in Resourcing, Invoicing, HR, or project management—so we’ll know who to contact with relevant updates. For example, if there is a major change or new feature related to Invoices, we’ll ensure your Invoicing Champion is informed.

Learn how to set up Champions here.

You can now designate Organization Champions—people in your agency who specialize in Resourcing, Invoicing, HR, or project management—so we’ll know who to contact with relevant updates. For example, if there is a major change or new feature related to Invoices, we’ll ensure your Invoicing Champion is informed.

SOC 2 Certification

At Productive, we’re committed to keeping your data safe, which is why we’re proud to announce our SOC 2 certification under the Security criteria. This rigorous audit, conducted by an independent third party, shows that we’ve put strong safeguards in place to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security risks. With this certification, you can feel confident knowing we’re here to protect your information, monitoring our systems regularly and upholding the highest standards of security.

Wait, There’s More:

  • All changes made in Settings will now be recorded in the Activity Log.
  • Automations can now create TODOs.
  • You can connect Productive with HiBob.
  • In Reports, recognized scheduled time is now available on the Capacity and Availability report.
  • A new permission allows non-admin users to manage integrations.
  • When creating a Pulse, you can now exempt yourself from receiving it.

Still To Come:

  • More AI capabilities
  • Scenario builder
  • Build powerful Reports using SQL queries
  • “Or” operator in Filters

We’re always looking to make your experience of using Productive better.

We’ll keep you updated as we ship more improvements. The following Monthly Updates will arrive at the beginning of November 2024.

For any questions, as always, reach out to our Customer Support.

Stjepan Šandor

Product Marketing Specialist

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