Frontend Engineer

Want to work in a dynamic product team and develop Productive’s frontend apps? This could be the job for you.


Productive’s aim is to provide agencies with a complete and real-time overview of their business.


We’re looking for experienced JavaScript engineers to work on Productive’s frontend architecture.

This role pays a range of:

EUR 3000–5000 gross for an employment contract

EUR 3600–6000 for a B2B contract

With an equity grant:

USD 16,000 – 50,000 in stock options
(4 years with a 1 year cliff)

The challenges and learning opportunities are endless. We’re a team of 45+ engineers building a complete, end-to-end platform where digital agencies run their businesses.

Wanna take a peek into our platform? Check out a live demo of our resource planning module.


This job requires maintaining a balance between technical problem solving, optimizing for delivery & stability and sharing knowledge with other team members.


Planning, developing, and ultimately owning product features

Writing & maintaining automated tests

Using metrics to help inform technical decisions

Deploying to production several times a week, based on our release process

Building a knowledge base for the entire team

Reviewing pull requests from other team members and getting your PRs reviewed

Providing technical support to other colleagues as you become more familiar with the product

With the rest of the team, you will build a resilient, service-oriented architecture and deploy your code daily without fear of breaking things.


Competitive salary and stock options in the company

The chance to communicate your own ideas, bring them to life, and see them have a real impact on the company

Working in a successful company that’s growing and evolving every day

Working with customers from all over the world

Sharing your knowledge with others

Subsidized car and motorbike parking, free bike parking

Health checks paid in full 

Subsidized gym membership

Summer Happy Fridays – a 4-day working week from Jul 1st – Sept 1st

Check out the other benefits of working at Productive here

This journey will be challenging as the product scales, but hey—you’ll be surrounded by great people and work in a relaxed atmosphere.


We’re hiring Frontend Engineers for 4 product teams – Core team, Budgeting team, Invoicing team, and Platform team.

As a team member, you will work with a Product Manager, Designer, and Backend and Frontend Engineers — who will help you develop features in Productive.

Core team builds core features which are used across the product, such as Automations, Custom Fields, Permission system etc..

Budgeting team develops features that support the quoting and project progress tracking process in digital agencies.

Invoicing team focuses on developing features that revolve around the most critical aspect for companies – their finances.

Platform team ensures the stability of the platform, modernizes the codebase, improves developer experience – they own the framework layer of our product.


Let’s See If We’re
a Match

The ideal candidate for Productive is a software engineer with 5+ years of industry experience, preferably in building frontend applications.

As we are looking for frontend engineers for several of our product teams, we are interested in candidates from strong juniors to more experienced ones.

If you recognize yourself in some of the following characteristics, we will be happy to meet you:

Good understanding of Javascript/TypeScript and web development in general

Experience with at least one frontend stack (React, Angular, Ember, Vue etc.)

Some knowledge of JS testing libraries such as Mocha, Jasmine, Qunit…

Interested in educating others and helping your team grow together

Love for words such as KISS, YAGNI, DRY, SOLID

A drive to make your code better every day

This is the sort of background we are generally looking for, but these criteria are not set in stone. We’ll consider all applicants.

How To Land This Job

If you think we can meet your expectations and you’re willing to share your experience and knowledge, apply using the form below. Please send us your CV and cover letter (optional).

Our hiring process is simple and discrete. During three video calls, you’ll meet our team and have an opportunity to ask them anything about Productive. We’ll try to get to know you and assess your skills. If we’re a match—you can expect an offer in no time.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by sending an email to

***Only applicants with knowledge of croatian/serbian/bosnian language will be considered for this position.

Here’s a Sneak Peek of What You’ll Be Working On

Curious about the look and feel of Productive? If you made it here, we know you are.

Benefits We Offer

Learning and Development

Honest, two-way feedback is the foundation of our growth. Every six months, we do 360 reviews to discuss what’s good and what could be better.

Working On One Product

We’re on a mission to be the best tool for running an agency – in the world.
Join us in developing one product.

Educational Budget

If you’re eager to learn, we’re eager to help. Each teammate gets an educational budget to buy books, attend courses or visit conferences.

Tailor Work Hours and Your Location

We’re flexible with your working hours and where you work, as long as you align with your team’s priorities.

Sponsored Health Checks

Each year you get a full check-up at a private clinic. It’s on us.

Fun and Games Budget

Each month, your team gets a new budget to hang out and have fun.

Free Snacks at the Office

Coffee, tea, fresh fruit, sweet and savory snacks galore at the office.

Paid Vacation for All

We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Apply for This Position

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